CONCERTS M. Rousselot gave a soirée on Monday, in the
Beethoven Rooms in Harley Street, as a finale to the season of the Beethoven Quartet Society. Several of the finest stringed-instrument Quintets of Beethoven and Mozart were performed; and a Septuor for the pianoforte, with stringed and wind instruments, by M. Rousselot himself. It was admirably executed, the principal part being sustained by Mr. Lindsay Sloper ; and it delighted the audience by its originality and vigour. The rooms were crowded by the habitues of these agreeable and instructive meetings.
The last meeting for the season of Mr. Hullah's upper schools took place in Exeter Hall, on Wednesday evening. An excellent selection of choral music, both sacred and secular, was performed with remarkable precision, delicacy, and effect. These meetings of Mr. Hullah's pupils now exhibit the best choral singing to be heard in London.
The Fall of Babylon was repeated by the Sacred Harmonic Society, at Exeter Hall, last night, under the lead of the composer, Dr. Spohr. T4S4 was a decided improvement in the band and chorus; and the audience plauded much. The Society's last performance for the season will take place on Friday next: Spohr will conduct (for the first time in London) his Last Judgment, the Christian's Prayer, and a Psalm.