ARRIVED—At Gravesend, 10th, George, 3PVicar, from Sydney ; 11th, Indian, Eng- lish, from China ; and Success, Adams, from Calcutta; 12th, Kyle, Boyd, from Singa- pore ; John Brewer, Brown, from Bombay ; and Henry Curwln, Vickers, from Mann- tine; 13th Imaum of Muscat, Riches, from Calcutta ; and Vanguard. Robinson, from Cey- lon; and 14th, Areta, Jackson, from Singapore. In the Downs, 10th, Ada, —, from China; 11th, Crest, Smith, from Ceylon ; and 15th, Blundell, Daniel, from Calcutta. In the Channel, Medora, Constant ; and Iron Queen, Black, from Singapore ; Chaucer, Elder, from Ceylon ; and China, Livesay, from the Cape. At Bristol, 10th, Alice Brooks, Jackson, from Mauritius. At Swansea, 12th, Royal Archer, Scott, from Ade- laide. At Liverpool, 10111, Gazelle, Ramsey, from Port Phillip; and Mary Stoddart, Dean, from Calcutta ; 13th, Glendaragh, Rissock, from Ditto ; and 15th, Ellerslie, Pagan, from China; and Crowns, Johns, front Bombay. At Cork, 8th, Jessie Mit- chell, M'Call, front Mauritius.
Swam—From Gravesend, 13th, Agincourt, Nesbitt, for Calcutta.