17 JULY 1858, Page 6


Report hath it that the Hebdomadal Board of Trinity College, Dub- lin, has made such concessions to the reform party as will take away the motive for agitation. The changes in contemplation are shadowed forth by the Dublin Evening Mail. According to this authority, the Board has given up its claim to the degree fees. The emoluments at- tached to the offices which are held by the Board, as bursarships, senior lectureship, &c., are also to be considerably reduced in amount. From these two sources a reduction of something like 30001. a year is to be made from the income of the Board, and to be made applicable for the other requirements of the College. "Among the measures of material reform which will be carried into ef- fect by the application of this fund, we believe we may enumerate the fel• lowing—The institution of fourteen university scholarships, or exhibitions, endowed with a stipend of 1001. a year, to be competed for at the degree ex- aminations, and tenable for seven years ; the establishment of two new offices, to be held by junior fellows, whose special duty shall be the super- intendence of the education and discipline of undergraduate students ; the promotion of the non-tutor fellows to the position of tutors, and the ame- lioration of the condition of the remaining u four, until they are gradually absorbed into the tutorial body—a measure which, when accomplished, will have the beneficial effect of abolishing for ever the ` nursery of discontent. The septennial scholarships will be open to students of all denominations, and will be exempt from duty or residence."