The Test Match at Leeds ended in another draw after
three days' play, as was to be expected. Of old-estab- lished contests Cambridge won the University Cricket Match and deserved to, as they were a slightly better all- round side. The Eton and Harrow Match was drawn. As an extra day is never likely to be given to this match; it is one in which we should like to see opinion tested upon taking the decision on the first innings when a bats- man's pitch makes it impossible to play out four innings. Of course, the tactics of the games might be affected, which we should regret. At Bisley, England won the Elcho Shield against Scotland and Ireland, which is still welcomed as though a partner in the United Kingdom ; and Clifton won the Ashburton. A younger contest, the two days' Air Race for the King's Cup, was won by Captain Broad in a Moth machine after an intensely exciting race. After flying 1,464 miles, Flight-Lieu- tenant Schofield in a Vickers machine came in twenty- two seconds behind Captain Broad. In an athletic match between a joint team of Oxford and Cambridge, and one of Princeton and Cornell, the English Universi- ties won by seven events to five.
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