BOOKS RECOMMENDED LITERATURE.—Some Fruits of Scotland. By William Penn. Introduction
by Sir Edmund Gosse. (Constable. 3s. 9d.) Essays of To-day and Yesterday. By C. E. Montague. • _—The same by A. C. Benson. (Harrap. Is. each)—The .Laburnum Branch. By Naomi Michison. (Cape. 5s.)
HISVORY.—A Short Survey of the Economic Development of England and the Colonies. 1874-1914. By C. M. Waters. . (Noel Douglas. 7s. 6d.)—The Agricultural Colonisation' of the Zionist Organisation in Palestine. By A. Ruppin. (HopkinSon. 10s. 13d.)—A History of the Parish and Church of Kilkampton. By Rev. R. Dew. (Wells Gardner, Darton. 7s. lid.) ECONOMICS.—The War Period of American Finance. 1908- 1925. By A. D. Noyes. (Putnam. 10s. 6d.) Wages
and the State. By E. M. Burns. (P. S. King. 16s.) ,Modern Finance and Industry. By A. S, Wade. (Pit-
*an. 5s.) Britain's Economic Plight. By Frank
_Plachy. (Benn. 7s. 6d.) „
BIOGAAPITY.—Edward Thring. Maker of Uppingham School. By W. F. Rawiisley. (Kegan Paul. 3s. 6d.)—The -Letters of Lady Louisa Stuart. Selected by R. Brimley Johnson. (Bodley Head. Os.)—Fidelis of the Cross. James Kent Stone. By W. G. Smith and H. G. Smith. (Putnam. £1 ls.) MISCELLANEOUS.—Finland To-day. By Frank Fox. (Black. 7s. 6d.)—Aircraft and Commerce in War. By J. M.
Spaight. (Longman& 6s.) The Secret Tradition in Alchemy. By A. E. Waite. (Kegan Paul. 15s.)
RELIGIOUS.—The Sword of Goliath. By The Bishop of -London. (Wells Gardner, Darton. 3s. 6d.)—Love : The -)?eligian of the Future. By H. B. Young. (Wells Gardner, Darton. 5s.)
NovErs.—Five volumes of the Collected Works of Guy de 'Maupassant. Translated by Ernest Boyd. (Knopf. ifs. 6d. each.)