Candidates and the Committee
Sir : As the present Vice-Chairman with responsibility for candidates of the Conservative Party, I take exception to the terms of a letter in your issue July 10 under the signature of Howard Thomas.
First of all the word ` purge ' of the approved candidates list is most unsuitable. Indeed Mr Thomas goes on to say that he accepts that with some 1000 names the list was overdue for 'pruning.' Again I think this an unfortunate term and of course the need was for a review.
Where I take greater exception to Mr Thomas is in his suggestion that not one of those whose name has been removed has had one word of explanation from me.
On taking up my appointment last Autumn, I wrote to every member of our candidates list telling them that I was most willing to discuss their future with them. Over 500 accepted this invitation and have been here to see me. In addition I corresponded with many more and in general I have done my very best to undertake this necessitated review in as considerate a manner as possible. The eventual decision as to whether or not any individual should be on the