17 JUNE 1837, Page 10


On the 1301 inst., at Brighton, the Lady JANE LACRENCE PEET., of a daughter. On the 1411, inst., in Portland Place, the Lady Oxstarnowst, of a datighter, st abort,: At Florence. the Ludy EMILIA PENNE FATHER, of Darling Hill, 'Eipperary , of a ion

and heir.

On tho 11th inst., the Lady of Sir HENRY LA stnERT, of a daughter. At Easton Lodge, the Hon. Mrs. CAPEL, of a son. On the 1101 inst., at Pattendale, the Lady of W. MARsHAT.T., Esq., M.P., of a son. On the Out, the Lady or EDWARD 110m ER, Esti„ M.P., of a son. on Dieted' inst., in Upper Brook Street, the Ludy of COWARD JAMES DAwnws, Esti , of a daughter. On the 8th inst., at Effra Grove, Brixton, the Lady of the Rev. Ey/1x E. Rowena,: of a sou.


On the 5th inst., at Cortaelly Castle, the 110n. the Master of Atuturtmovr, eldest son of the Hight Hon. the Viscount of Arbuthnott, to Lady JANE GRAHAM Dann. storm Ontsv, eldest daughter of the Right lion. the Earl of Airlie.

On the 31st nit., at Titelatield, JOHN BUCHAN HEPBURN, EST, second 8011 of the late Sir .1. II. Hepburn, of Smeaton, Bart., to blAROARET SOPHIA, youngest daughter of A. F. W. Swinton, Esq., of Warsash. Hants. On the 5th inst., at Old Connell, county Kildare, the Hon. BERREty Woof:Homy, Captain "r the Stir Hussars, to FANNY, only daughter of Alexander Holmes, Esq., Curraglt, Kildare. On the 14th MEL, at St. George's, Hanover Square, EDWARD VANsITTART NEALS, Esq,,, only son of the Rev. Edward Neale, of Allesley Park, Warwick, and Rector of Taplow, Bucks, to FRANCES SARAH. eldest daughter of JaniCS William Farmer. Esq.,of I ugleborough. York, one of the Masters aids Majesty's II igh Court of Chancery. 'file Rev. J. F. 11A9LAR, B.A., of St. John's, Cambridge, to litazAttEnt, daughter of the late 1'y-fit Denton, Esq. At Kihnurry Church, near Limerick, the Rev. G. E.111Assp, Vicar of Broree, son of the lion. George Massy, to ELIZABETH, daughter of M. 0 Brien, Esq., of Newcastle. DEA'flIS.

On the 9th inst., at his house at Paris, General the Earl of GRANARD.

On the 13th inst., at llormlertn, Commander Enrant) Savsour, R.N., son of RIO late It ear-Admiral Sir Michael Seymour. Bart. In Eaton Place, hla RV ANNE, Wire of Wm. liwart, Esq., M.P. for Liverpool. On the 5th inst., at Boulogne, the Rev. moll N It L. om AN-I/ROM in his 29t 11 year. On the 7th mist, the Rev. Dr. JoHN SOM ERVi LLE. Minister of Currie. On the 8th inst., at Huntingdon, in her 92.1 year, ANN, relict of Thomas Verney Okcs, Esq.. of Callibridge. On the 13th inst., at Little Green, in Stu:sex, Mrs. 11. Paters, in her 80th year. On the 5th trust., at Ramsgate, in Ids 831 year. the Rev. Grottos Tow xsEND senior. On the 3011, tilt., at ('rail, tiO,, Mrs..laNF.T os rliss a, in her 951 year. At Marazion. Cornwall. Mrs. Cottlettot. relict or Win. Coolish, Esq., in her 87th year. At Ludlow, W St. .I ON Is, 1:811, in Ids 5ql11 year. At Dublin, Br. ARCHUR JADWien, m inter, in his 90th year.