Tuesday, June 13.
Deptford Iron Company. Sunderland; as far as regards Chaster and Webster - Clarke and Co. Sunderlaud, engine builders; as far as regards Webster and Ray- Hughes and Kent. Shrewsbury. hosiers-Eden and Kuuhlry, Liverpool, customs- ageots -Webster and Co. Bingley, Yorkshire, cottorospinuers ; as far as regards Webster-Lang and Bell. Leicester. plumbers -W. and T. Rhodes. Milton. Gravesend. smiths-M'Entegart and Taylor. Liverpool. corn dealers-Hassler and Gibson, Bir- mingham, lapanners-Benford and Smith, Crenshaw. Lancashire. wheelwrights-G. and J. Watson, Sheffield street setters-Jenktuson and Co. Thorpe 'Lesley, Yorkshire. nailmanufacturers -Hudson and Moore. Nottingham, grocers-Dainty and Co. Dud- ley, coal-miners ; as far as regards Fletcher.
BOURNE, Manor. Wolsingliam, Durham, attorney talaw, June 12. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT.
Denman, Chiswick. deputy corn-meter-Heal, Newport. Isle of Wight. grocer- Hodson, Toxtetlt Park, near Liverpool. shipping agent for seamen-Clemow. St. Austell, Cornwall grocer-Baker, Brick Lane, St. Luke's, eating-house keeper- Robinson. Liverpool, bcot.maker-Wood. Leeds, couryctioner-Crowther. Hudders- field, clothdresser-Deplidge. Osten. Cheshire. tailor's foreman-Carpeutar. Rye. attorney .at -la w- Harvett. Handsu ort , Staffordshire. schoolmistress-Carver. Walsall. grocer-Smalley. Kirkdale. joiner-Clinch. Hammersmith. omuibus-proprietor, - Dear, West Cowes, painter-Bradley, Sheffield, silver plater-Johns. Limehouse. grocer- Brooke. Liverpool. clipper-Man, Halstead, near Sevenoaks-Natham. Alfred Street. Bedford Square, appraiser-Gibbon. Newsham, Yorkshire. dealer iu hardware-Jen- kins, Great Charlotte Street, shaman-Caesar, Godalming. saddler-Alder St. John's Wood Terrace, auctioneer-Summerfield, Dunstahle, plumber-Coles, Oxford baker.
Braman. WILLIAM, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square. apothecary, to surrender June 27. July 25: solic.tor, Mr. Brisley, Temple; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Cole- man Street Buildings.
CARVER, James, Dawley. Shropshire, joiner, June 21. July 22 : solicitor, Mr. Potts, Iroulaidge. Shropshire ; official assiguee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. DEWE. JOHN and RICHARD. Oxford. booksellers. June 16, July 21: solicitor, Mr. Lloyd, Milk Street, Cheapside; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. DewHeasT, JOHN, Preston, provision-dealer, June 23, July 13: solicitors, Messrs. Pilkington and Co. Prestou ; and Mr. Fiddey, Temple; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.
LLOYD. Armee, Liverpool, aictualler, June 23, July 14: solicitors, Mr. Greatley. Liverpool; and Mr. Wilkinson, Lincolu's Inn Fields ; official assignee. Mr. Follett, Liverpool. Omen, JOHN. and Co.. Tipton, iron-masters, June 20, July 18 : solicitors. Messrs. Spurrier unit Chaplin, Birmingham; Mr. Chorale, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Fellowea Dudley ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Bashighall Street. - Plummy James, Upper Marsh, Lambeth. earthenware-dealer. June 22. July 31 : soli- citor. Mr. Lewis. Wilmiugtou Square; official assignee, Mr. Turquand. Ohl -Jewry. SUMNER, JAMES WILLIAM, Readiug. builder, June 22, July 28 : solicitor, Mr. Wan. sey, LotIbury ; official assiguee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
July 6, Goftou, Farringdon Street, pawnbroker -Jun}, 6, Low, Adam's Court. Old Broad Street. merchant-July 6, Cooke, New Street, Dorset Square, upholsterer-July 4. White, Wearer's Lane, Tooley Street. orchil manufacturer-July 4. Prichard, Houndsditch. surgeon-July 8, Howard and Gibbs, Cork Street. money scriveners-July 5. Smithson, York, tobacconist-July 14, Moss, Kingstou-upon-Hull. woollen-
draper-July 10, Swal:ow and Sons, Halifax. core-millers-Judy 6, Sayer. Toxteth Park, near Liverpool, stonemason-July 6. Parke, Liverpool, druggist -July 10. Evans, Liverpool, coal-dealer-July 5, Thomas, Bristol, hotel-keeper-July 6. Rogers, Dart- mouth, Devonshire, wise merchant-July 6. Barlow, Lichfield, ironmonger-July 6, Gaiter, Staff, rd, builder - July 8. Caswell, Birmingham, glass-dealer-July 8. Carter. Burford, Shropshire, cattle salesman-July 6, Walker, Burton-upon-Trent, mercer- July 6, Scott, Newcastle-ruder-Lyme, currier.
To be granted, unless cause be skarn to the contrary, on the day of meeting. July 5, Hawkiugs, Lisson Grove, upholsterer-July 7. it. and H. Fletcher, E rating- ton, Gloucestershire. clothiers-July 6, Chapman, Great George Street. Euston Square. dairyman-July 7, Marla New Bridge Street. merchant-July 5, Greatley, Hattori Garden, jeweller-July 7, Price, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, warehouseman-July 5, Kenuerly, Llaubilleth, Monmouthshire. iron-manufacturer-July 4. Fletcher. Eve. sham, plumber-July 7, Eardley, Newcastle-under Lyme. hatter -July 5, Showell, Rirmiugham, bookseller-July 8. Cuter, Burford, Shropshire. cattle-salesman-July 6, Barker, Ratet;ffe-upouTrent, Nottinghamshire, blacksmith -July 12. Wood and Co. Birstall, Yorkshire. machine-makers-July 6, Bolton, York, banker -July 7, Houghton. Blackburn, cotton-spinner. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. ON or befwe July 4.
Beale, St. John Street Road, chemist-Reynolds. Great St. Helen's, merchant-Da. vies. Wrexham. Denbighshire. miller-Docking, Hampstead Road. cheesemouger- Pym, Helper, Derbyshire, cabinet-maker - Dot:Weld, Tewkesbury. druggists-Sargent, Nottingham grocer-118one, Itotherhithe, engineer-A. and D. Wiutou, Wood Street,ra7 warehousemen-CuttaLeeds, wine merchant-Blackman, Cranbrook, grocer.
CAMERON, J.. Glasgow. Wright, June 21, July 24. Rowan, J. M., Glaigow, engineer, June 19, July 10.
Friday, June 16.
Bevington and Co. glue-mauufacturera- Harvey and Co. Strand, silversmiths; as far as regards Ilewat -Hollingworth and Buictou, Mrabouni. Derbyshire, lace-glove. manufacture -Gregory ami Cu. Hates Oweu, Shropshire, coal-masters-Gray and Co. Newcastle upon Tyne, coabfitters-Canet and Barrow. Frith Steel. Soho, tailors- Boater and Welch. Newark upou-Trent, gun makers-Stock and Linton. Liverpool. coal-merchants-Harford and Co. Broad Street, City, iusurauce.agents; as tar as regards F. Rivas-Browne and Egliuton, Gloucester, coal. merchants -Fuller and Mather, Charles Street, Baum Garden, lamp-makers-Waal and Galloway, Leeds, canvass manufacturers-Smith and Co. York, grocers; as far as regards J. L. Smith- Barber and Waller, Sheffield, opticians-Bloomfield sad Co. Southampton, general traders-Fisher and 011ereushaw, Liverpool, livtanauufactuters-Skone and Lock. Haverfordwest. monsters -Jarratt and Co. Leicester. iron founders-Croft and Bo- vi ugtuu, man ufacturiug chemists-W. and A. L. Stoner, Kiegswourl,Wiltshire, brewers.
WALKS, lames COLE. Stowmarket, Suffolk, wine merchant. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT.
Cobb, Colchester, horse dealer-Junes, Conway, Carnarvoushire, iron-founder - Howarth, Chorley, Lancashire, saddler -W. and E. Lambert. Aughton. farmers-Webb, Walworth head, attorney-Hunt, Charles S reet, Blacktriars Road, surgeon -Beazley, Liverpool, dealer in Ms- Crapper. Rotherham, Yorkshire, Brompton. Kent. peusioued sergeant. B Dudleythorsealealer -Cote. Cheltenham, iaukeeper - Warren, Bristol, butcher - Crosland. Bradt:rd. shoemaker - Scurrah. Chapel Farce, Holloway, shopkeeper-Solomon, Commercial Road, Stepney, out of business -Parry, Birmingham, tailor.
BLACK, DONALD and Co. Sambrook Court, City, merchants. to snrrender, June 24, July 28: solicitors, Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside; and Messrs. Cooper and Wray, Mauches- ter ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Oid Jewry.
BURTON. JOHN, Sheffield, butcher, June 27, July 8: solicitor, Mr. Ryalls, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Fearue, Leeds.
CHAPMAN. GEORGE, Aylesbury, grocer. June 30 July 31: solicitors. Messrs. Norton and Sou, New Street, Bish-pagate Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall StreOetB DSON, JOHN LLOYD, Kidderminster, carretmanufactutrer, Juue 26, July 25: soli- citor, Mr. Suckling. Birmingham; official assignee. Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
DONNELAY. Ram Liverpool, merchant, Imre 30. July 28: solicitors, Messrs. Maug- ham and Kenedy, Chancery Lace ; and Mr. Gunnery, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird. Liverpool.
FARMER, EDWARD. Wellington, Shropshire. tea dealer, June 30, July 19: solicitor, Mr. Marcey, Wellington ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. HALL, WILLIAM. Birmingham, shoemaker, June 30, July 19: solicitors. Mr. Chaplin, Gray's ion Square ; and Mr. Harrison, Birmiugham; official assignee, Mr. Yelps,, Birmingham.
HAraties, Wratiasi, Kingswood, Gloucestershire, grocer, Jane 30. July 28: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Hall, Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Morgan Bristol.
LAMPEN, THOMAS. Devonport, linendraper, June 23, July 19: solicitors, Mr. Peok- will, West Street, Finsbury Circus; and Messrs. Beer and Rundle. Devouport ; and Mr. Stugdon, Exeter ; OBlcial assignee, Mr. Heineman, Exeter.
Lessors Censor. Birmingham. factor, June 24, July 27: solicitor, Mr. Lowe Bir- mingham ; official assignee. Mr. Bittleson, Birmingham.
STOODLEY, Janes. Bridport, twine-manufacturer. June 23, July 19: solicitors, Mr. Brace Surrey Street • Mr. Stugdon, Exeter ; and Mr. Nicholetts, Bridport ; official as- signee, Mr. Dirtzel, Exeter.
July 7Payne, Hand Court. Holborn, victualler-July 7, T. and T. Oriel. Poland Street, tailors-July 7, Young. Godslming, nur.eryman-July 8, Reynolds, Liverpool. druggist- July II, Brown. Liverpool, commission-merchant-July 11, M'Conke and Co. Lancashire, bleachers-July 4, James, West Bromwich, coal-masters.
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day Cisseeting.
July 7, Reynolds, London Road, draper-July 11, Paine, Stony Stratford. baker- July IL Wegg, East Street, East Greenwich, victualler-July 12. Ilunyard, Nelson's' Place, Old Kett Road, grocer-July 7, Herridge, Upper Wharton Street. builder- July 11, Jenk)us and Hardymau. Love Lane, commission-agents-July 11, Tune, Liverpool, fruiterer-July 10, Brooke, Liverpool, victualler-July 10, M'Leod and Wood, Liverpool. ship-chandlers-July 11 Bolton, Kingston-upon-Hull, coru mer- chant-July 10, Lewis. Fernhill, Shropshire, draper. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 7. Barnes. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, tanner-Thompson, East Grinstead, corn dealer- Longden, Shropshire, draper-Harris, Dorking. tailor-Glyde, Southampton Bow, Russell Square. grocer-Leighton, Liverpool, merchant-Hughes and Hunter, St. Leonards-on-Sea, builders-Pearson, Sheffield. wine-merchaut-W. and B. Cribb, Clarence Wharf. Regent's Canal Basin, match-manufacturers-Jones, Glynn, Med- ' onethshire, cattle-salesman - Danks, Weduesbury, screw-manufacturer-Roberts, Old London Street, City, merchant-Medley, Leeds, oil-merchant.
Com, ROBERT and Co. Glasgow, merchants, Juue 21. July 11.
MOSIE, ANDREW, Drips, Lanarkshire, brick-maker. June 27.. July 12. LAURENCE, Alarm:ma, Inverkeiller, farmer, June 20, July 11, MURRAY. CHARLES. Leith. builder, Juue 22, July 13.
PipER, EDWARD. Edinburgh. coach-contractor, June 23, July 19.