17 JUNE 1843, Page 22




3 per Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account

3 per Cents. Reduced

at per Cents Reduced New 39 per Ceuts Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per cent, India Stock, 101 Exchequer Bills, ltd. p. diem India Bonds. 39 per cenL (Closing Tuesday. Prices.) !retinas.

Thurs. Friday. Saturday



- 921 931 IOC} 179 54 53



929 ex d. 931 1001 shut 180 shut 53 pm. 56 pm. 929 931 1001; 129 179 54 929 931 101 129 53 56 93s 931 1019 124



57 931 949 1019 129 179 56 60 87 74 ex d. 42 16 66 1131 199 44 17s. FO (Last Official Quotation Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. Arkansas (1863) 6 - Austrian 5

Belgian s -

tazilian 5 - Buenos Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 - Chiliau 6 Columbian of 1824 6 - Danish 3 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 29 - Ditto (Ditto) 5

I1C s - Ditto 5 -

Indiana (Sterling) .5 - Illinois 6 - Kentucky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - Maryland 6 - Massachussetts(Sterling)5 - REIGN during the


- 103 72 259


239 599


- 29 - - - FUNDS.

Week ending Friday Evening.)

Mexican 5 p. Ct.

Ditto (Deferred) 5 - Michigan 6 - Mississippi (Sterling) 6 - Neapolitan New York (1855) 5 -

6 - OPehnionsylvanta 5 -

Peruvian 6 - Portuguese 3 -

Ditto s -

Ditto (New) 5 -

Russian 5 -120f.50c. Spanish 5 -

Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5 p. Ct. Tenuessee 6 - United States Bank Virginia. (Last Official Quotation


Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cats Branca Candonga Cobre Copper


Chelleubarn and Great Western Eastern Counties GrandJuuction Great Western.. ........

Liverpool and Manchester,, London and Brighton London and Blackwell- London and Greenwich London and Birmingham Loudon and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western duriug


- - - - SI - SDI 321 49 49 210 109 789 66. 681 64 SHARES.

the Week ending Friday Evening.) BANES-


British North American Colonial Landau and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland Natioual Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London


East and West India London St. Katherine .


A nstraliau Agricultural British American Land Canada ...

General Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Land

14 .22; 14 -361 42 339 91

12ra* 23t



0 0 0

- 0 0 0 -16 10 0

■ 0 04

. 19020 . 20 ..21 521 . • 24 81..15 23 .24 54..05

II.. Ed

II 6

11 6 to Os,

to 806. to 60s, to 74s,

4.. Sid. 4

4 Si

4 2

5 4 1609. e3

- 70

w. 55 . DOS.

.. te5

., 30


Gold, Foreign Is Uses ...per os. 31. 17e. 94.

Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollar... 0 u 0

Mexican Dollars 0 4 04

Silver in Bars. Standard 0 4 II METALS.

Copper, Ballots Cakes.per ton 881-011.0,1 to Iron, British Bars 4 15 0 Lead, British Pig IS 0 0

Steel, English 0 0 0

Wheat, Red New46 t o 48

Pine 49 ..52

Old 80 ..49

White 40 .. 46

Fise 44 .. 50 SuperlIneNew30 .. 50

AVERAGE PRICES Per Quarter (Imperial) Wheat 47s. 4d Oats 17

GRAIN, Mark Rye Fli to Barley .... 48 ..47 Malting 49 ..

Mall, Ordinary 54 ..50

Fine 56 ..

Peas, Hog .... 00 .. Lane, Juue 16.

84 Maple St to 53

White 80. 38

80 Boilers 84 . 30 Beans, Ticks 96 .. 10

60 Old 28 .. BO

51 Harrow 80..88

Oats, Feed

Fine .. Poland .

Fine Potato

Fine Week.

Rye Beans ..

Peas OF CORN. of Engboad and Wales. I Rye . 49s. 4d.

1 Peas 20 11

DUTY ON FOREIGN For the present Wheat Ns. Od Barley 9 0 Oats 8 0 FLOUR.

Town-made ........ .• ......per sack 40s. to 45s.

Seconds 85 - 40

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 80 - 85

Norfolk:ad Stockton 2B 32

BRAN per gunner Os. to Os. POLLARD, toe Os. to Os.

BREAD, Od. to 74d. the 41b. Loaf. PROVISIONS.

BUTTER-Best Fresb, it.. 6d. per dos. Carlow, 81.19, to 41. Is. per cwt. BACON, Small Old, per cost.... Os. CHEESE. Cheshire Ms.

Derby Plain 460.

HAMS, York 609. EGGS, French... per 110 is. Od to 35.6d.


NEWG ATE AND LEADENHALL.• SMITHFIELD.* Beef Os. 8d to 8s. Od. to ea. 6d. Es. 8d. to as 4d to Mutton 9 8 . 8 0 . 3 8 8 0 6 .. Veal 8 0 .. 8 8 .. 4 4 3 0 .. 8 0 .. Pork 2 4 .. 8 0 4 4 8 4 . 8 8

Lamb 4 10

• To sink the offal-per albs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD, Beason. Sheep. Cods'.. Pigs.

Friday 630 18,459 457 SO Monday 2,355 80.070


Rent Pockets......................005 to 1050 York Reds per tea 806,1a Choice Ditto 112 - 180 Scotch Reds 40 Sussex Pockets 90 - 100 Devon. 85

Superfine Ditto 108 - 105 Kent and Easel Whites 51 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Leader 36 Trusses.) CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. PORTMAN. WHITECBAPEL.

Hay, Goad 950... It Os 60.... 03. Os... On 60s

Inferior 50 .. 88 0 .. 0 New

Clover 92 .. 110 70 .. 100 0 .. 0 .. .. 70 Straw, Wheat 48 .. 54 44 .. 50 0 . 0 86