The aspect of the contest about Schleswig-Holstein is more threatening
than ever. The Danes are recovering lost ground in the field ; and in Selina AleTresenetottf Princes from Russia andYlweden,.conveyingftt distinnt intimation of succour from the North. The,Gertnans :proclaim the resolve to maintain their position: but they have as yet 'displayed no such powers in the field as to inspire confidence in their capacity for coping with gigantic Russia.
Meanwhile, the noble statesmen and learned professors in Diet assembled at Berlin have been signalizing themselves in critical logomachy—some maintaining that the outbreak in March was a " revolution," others that it was a " transaction." The Emperor of Austria relents, wishing to get back to Vien- na; not uninfluenced, perhaps, by an intrigue in his capital, to procure his abdication and the partition of the Austrian empire between two of his relations.