The Times publishes a rather remarkable letter from the Parana.
Nobody knows anything about that region, but the writer says Lopez, the Dictator of Paraguay, has seized several provinces on the upper waters of the vast river, which belong to the Argentine Republic, that he has been collecting materials for years, and that. he has Lancaster guns and all manner of munitions. That he has an excellent army is true, and it now turns out that he has steamers in which to convey them, while he rules his own country with all the authority of Carlyle's hero, Dr. Francia. On the other hand, the Brazilians object to him, and have sent ten steamers and an army up the river to do him all the harm they can, in which object Brazil will be assisted by the Argentines. It is a pity the Emperor Napoleon, or Herr von Bismark, or some other unscrupulous person, does not conquer Brazil and throw those glorious regions open to European enterprise. They would be worth a hundred Coreas.