The division list actually showed a considerable majority of Bishops
against insisting on the new test. Only the Bishops of Gloucester and Bristol (Dr. Ellicott), of Lichfield (Dr. Selwyn), and of Lincoln (Dr. Wordsworth) voted for it ; against, voted the Archbishop of York (Dr. Thomson), the Bishop of Bath and Wells (Lord Arthur Hervey), of Carlisle (Dr. Goodwin), of Exeter (Dr. Temple), of Hereford (Dr. Atlay), of Oxford (Dr. Meeker- ness), of Ripon (Dr. Bickersteth), and of Salisbury (Dr. Moberly). So that even the episcopal Bench taken alone was more than two to one against resistance. The Bishops had swung round with the tide. Do they not know that if there be any bracing influ- ences in familiarity with spiritual things, they should oftener be found either leading or stemming it ?