Saturday Afternoon Rambles round London. By Henry Walker. (Hodder and
Stoughton.)—Mr. Walker keeps up the succession of a long Saturday Afternoon Rambles round London. By Henry Walker. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—Mr. Walker keeps up the succession of a long Line of London naturalists (dating back in record for more than two cen- turies, and, in fact, for centuries unnumbered) who have brought to their pursuit the energy and skill and cleverness which Cockneys (as the duller dwellers in the country are pleased to call them) do bring to pursuits of science or of sport. When we give the title of Mr. Walker's book, and add to it the explanation that these rambles are "rural and geological," its object will be seen, and we may add that the author will be found an admirable guide. Let any one who is bent on such a ramble take with him this book, and, if he will, that excellent book of reference, the "Flora of Middlesex," and he could not be better equipped.