Fenn's Compendium of English and Foreign Funds. Twelfth Edition, with
an Appendix by R. L. Nash. (E. Wilson.)—Whon a book shows on the title-page that eleven previous editions have been exhausted, the fact speaks for itself, and it is hardly necessary to praise. This issue of a " standard " work, by means of an appendix, has its information brought down to the beginning of February in the current year. In this continuation we have recorded, inter alia , that since the commence- ment of 1874, Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay have become defaulters, not to mention Turkey ; and in the case of San Domingo, we have, from the Report of tho Select Committee on Foreign Loans, some extra- ordinary revelations as to how money is sometimes raised, and what then becomes of it. Affording as it does a "financial" history of the world, or, at all events, such parts as are sufficiently civilised to have a "debt," this book cannot but be of great value to financiers.