17 JUNE 1911, Page 24


THIS is a book dealing entirely with ponies, their types, points, uses, and maladies. The most readable portion of the book is that which describes the different species to be found in the British Isles. Welsh ponies are always an interesting study, being, perhaps, the breed which varies most in height, conformation, and general build. The frontispiece consists of a portrait of that most beautiful of Welsh ponies, Grey Light.' `Grey Light' is of almost "ideal conformation." His clean limbs, splendidly modelled quarters, and exquisitely poised head strike one, even when seen through the medium of a photograph, as being the perfection of grace, while his expression of intelligent and gentle eagerness is truly delightful. Our appreciation of his charm is, of course, any- thing but singular. His photograph is as popular as that of a professional beauty. One finds a very different kind of animal if one turns to the description of the early type of Shetland pit ponies, " with huge bodies on abnormally short legs sugges- tive of moles, and no doubt most valuable to drag a hutch in the low galleries of a coal mine, but absolutely unsuited for a child's saddle pony." Could there be a greater contrast to the beautiful 'Grey Light' than this little Cobold ? The section dealing with polo ponies is very complete, a full account being given of the rules of the various polo clubs and associations, while the pedigrees of a large number of ponies are supplied. There are the usual chapters occupied with grooming, forage, bedding, and so forth, and there is a very minute and detailed description of the anatomy and structure of the horse. One omission has been made. There is no account of harness and saddlery, or of the kindred subject of traps and other vehicles. Altogether the book contains a great deal of very practical information, which, however, would have been easier to assimilate had a little more pains been taken with the style and grammar, which are both frequently defective.

• Ponies and all About Them. By F. Townend Barton, ISLR.C.V.S. London : John Long. 17s. ed