17 JUNE 1938, Page 48


prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's- crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes- should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than the first post on Tuesday. No envelopes trill be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must tear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]


2 3


5 6


8 ACROSS 1. These are in perfect order but you won't be able to stretch out at ease to sleep in them. (Two words.) 9. A gem of a person despite his manners. (Two words.)

14. '6 strains that might . . . a soul Under the ribs of death."

15. rev. Drive out of unenclosed park-land. 17. This penny is an honest old fellow.

19. It's as well this heating apparatus doesn't live up to its name.

21. This kind of trial of strength doesn't make you thirsty.

23. Duel at it (anag.).

24. Identical.

25. Sort of like this waterway.

26. with 31. Enclosure mostly in the open ?

27. Nimble part of a gun- carriage.

29. rev. You have to pull strings to make this person work.

32. rev. with 6. Rescue to which you can take exception ? 33. rev. Fitting mourners for a musician ?

34. Violent rubbing will do this.

DOWN 1. Clever peers ?

2. Nothing more is needed to give these paintings inade- quate touches.

3. Childish.

4. rev. By that amount.

5. Vowels. 6. rev. See 32.

7. rev. She has nothing where- with to cover her foot.

8. rev. Part of the fasces. io. Grim-looking glove.

11. rev. Some dirt (anag.).

12. Remain under a month- perhaps.

13. rev, with 30. Typical small coin.

15. rev. Rush along an exercise- ground.

x6. rev. Parts of violins made by dentists ?

18. rev. " . . . my subject now shall be my song,

It shall be witty, and it shan't be long."

20. rev. Country within which jury must be gathered and cause tried.

22. The first of this makes a dialect concise.

24. rev. Pulpit in early Christian churches.

28. rev. This part is a protection. 3o.

rev. See 13. 31. rev. See 26.