Letters to the Editor
Strike-Breakin; Intellectuals an:t Educating MPs Public Relations Military Training Wagga Wagga lahn 0. Carter, Stanley Mayne J. P. Bardde) G. W. Crawfor Rosamund V. Broadley, S. E. Hall R. A. Paget-Cooke Employer Vilma Levy Loyalties
SIR,—How did the Spectator drop its usually very intelligent and admirable standard to Print such rot in the strike-breaking article— which otherwise contained excellent common sense--that railwaymen and indeed all essential industries should forgo the right to strike like the Civil Service?
Previously the writer had said that a new Public attitude rather than new laws is neces- sary to break the present-day readiness by many workers to strike for no real reason. Yet he goes on to urge, in effect, three sets of laws.
Surely in our tight economy all industries and workers are essential; in fact, the least essential is the civil servant, who probably has the least cause for striking even if he could do so.
What a-ridiculous, empty threat it is to say if the railwaymen refuse to waive their right to strike we can do without the railways. What a ball of fire that would start.
The need is still for better industrial rela- tions between management and men, not enforcements from outside. Few realise it, but the managerial classes have been on an un- official strike for years, particularly in the nationalised undertakings, not caring twopence for any real progress or better relations. The attitude of labour in industry may be bad.
but management's tactics are certainly no
better.—yours faithfully, JOHN 0. CARTER 16 Lansdowne Road, Aldershot; Hants