17 JUNE 1955, Page 26


ACROSS 1 The auctioneer's approving comment is full of promise (4, 4).

5 Spadeful of earth? Nearly all (6).

9 Unlikely admonition from the lion- tamer (8).

10 The Imperial cipher by the sound of it is rank (6).

12 Literally associated with Sesame (6).

13 What's left over seems to be half double (8).

15 Fifty per cent. staff cut on the field (5.3-4).

18 These creatures arc not silos (12).

23 'And now thou art a - thing' (Byron) (8).

24 I perform though interrupted by a politician (6).

26 You have probably just taken it in hand (6).

27 Back chut of the golf-course (8).

28 By implication, better trees (6).

29 Beach-wear for men? (8). 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 11 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 25 Film reputation (6).

We sold pins for small change (6).

Hazel's boy friend (7).

1 am the law of the forest (4).

I get very loud after the bridge at Avignon 1 (7).

Legal process takes the bun (8). Methuselah enjoyed it (4, 4).

Eros' cup (anag.) (7).

Dismount under duress (7).

Pin a page and make it well (8). The red motor that was blown up (8). Seeker of the I down reputation (7). Dumb air displayed by a poet (7).

'That very night shall Romeo bear thee hence to -' (Shakespeare) (6).

Quadrupeds expert in navigation? (6).

She showed a deal of change in her make-up (4).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chamber 's Twentieth Century DietionarY and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions rammed alter noon on June 28 and addressed: Crossword No. 839, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.

Chambcrs's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, Is recommended for Crosswords.

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Solution on July 1 Solution to No 837 o I page If