ACROSS 1. Practise neutrality when arresting refractory receiver? (3. 2, 3. 5) 9. Take a good look at Apollo for example (9) 10. I keep my place in the queue. it appears. in Italy (5) 11. It takes fi%,e to play this fish! (5) 12. 'The Brides of Enderby' sounded her knell (9) 13. It's almost simple to get on in the tunnel (7) 15. Leg armour having classical projections (7) 17. Takes a golden turn in Ireland (7) 19. 'Of old, unhappy, far-off things And - long ago' (Wordsworth) (7) 21. The Valhalla of Eire? (9) 23. Proverbial single paddle-boat (5) /4. Dramatic girl who makes her entry in 12 (5) /5. Remind me to telephone one of the BrontEs! (4, I, 4)
/6. A cry from the Mother of Parliaments (1, 3, 9)
DOWN /. The male is so insular (4, 2, 3) 3. There's no;lting furtive about the voter (5) 4. Where's the curb? (7) 5. 'Twilight and - bell' (Tennyson) (7) 6. Some more green for the well turned out (9) She might be round about 50, but an enchantress nevertheless (5) Measures of progress in the islands (6) Miss who could but never would make a hea)i of herself! (5) Fabulous green lady concealed here (9) From whom one would expect a freewill offering (9) The boat's on the bank (6) His cradle is a formal affair! (7) Lucky strike (7) A hard case in the Remove? (5) The sign of the hammer (no sickle, hot‘e% er') (5) 'Sound. sound the clarion' (5)