Lucky Dip Abortions 'SIR,—While I agree with a great deal
of Susan Far- row's letter it is wrong of her to infer that those of us who support some liberalisation of the abortion lass, equate abortion with family planning. One is not an alternative to the other.
It is generally and quite rightly agreed that one of the greatest needs today is an intensive programme of sex education generally and contraception in particu- lar. But we must face the situation as it exists now and in many cases where contraception has been ignored or has failed there ought to be a second line of defence. It should be the right of every woman to be able to apply for the termination of a preg- nancy with which, for one reason or another, she feels she cannot cope and it should be the right of every child to be born wanted.
Once women feel free at least to apply for a legal abortion many instances 9f inadequate contraceptive knowledge and application will be brought before doctors and social workers who will be able to offer the help and advice which is obviously so desperately needed.
ANNA CHAT.0 Press Officer Abortion Law Reform Association