Killer patrol
Sir: Thank God someone is attacking the RSPB (`Yum, yum, pigeons again', 27 May). I wish they were an endangered species. I have been protesting about spar- rowhawks for over a year. In my small gar- den last spring, there were four species of small birds nesting. By July there was one lame blackbird left. The hawks have used the garden as a 'Ritz Bar'. Over 20 collared doves were also wiped out. I wrote to the RSPB three times and had no answer. I suppose there is now so much big money involved in the payment of armies of Actually we've increased productivity so much there's no one left to make redundant.' inspectors, watchers, snoopers and dedicat- ed twitchers etc. that it is not politically cor- rect to criticise. If I bump off the maraud- ers, I could be fined thousands of pounds or made to do community service, responsi- ble five days a week for the welfare of hen harriers and carrion crows. Racing pigeons might be worth £106,000 but a flycatcher is not worth 50p.
Raoul Millais
Westcote Manor, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire