17 JUNE 2000, Page 27

Granny suffers too

From Mr Clive Mather Sir: Melanie Phillips (`The rape of justice', 10 June) raises many valid points about the treatment of men by the legal system and government. There are other losers in the present situa- tion. It seems to be forgotten that women's relationship to children is not solely through motherhood — women can also be grand- mothers or aunts. When a man is prevented from seeing his children, the man's mother is effectively cut off from her grandchildren, and any sisters the man may have are separat- ed from their nephews and nieces. The grandmother–grandchild relationship is espe- cially strong. Most women who are in the slightest degree fond of children love being grandmothers. There must be many thou- sands of bitterly unhappy women in Britain cheated of their grandchildren, just as their sons have been cheated out of fatherhood.

Clive Mather

Meersbrook, Sheffield