17 JUNE 2000, Page 27

LETTERS Born to be gay

From Sir Elton John, CBE Sir: I am astonished to be told by Cardinal Winning ('Why I must protest', 10 June) that my sexuality is not good for me. He argues that homosexuality 'ensnares them [homosexuals] in a lifestyle that can never respond to the deepest longings of the human heart'. From what practical perspec- tive does he form this point of view? As a cardinal and presumably a celibate and soli- tary individual, how can he possibly be in a position to judge? As a Gay man I am perfectly happy with my sexuality and my life. I can honestly say that the deepest longings of my heart are satisfied.

Like the Cardinal, I, too, have hope for our country. Over the years, Britain has proved itself to be a more tolerant and open-minded place to live. Gone is the out- dated and ill-informed notion that homo- sexuality is a question of choice. The reality is that homosexuals have no choice — we are born that way and no amount of hector- ing or hypnosis can make us change. Cardinal Winning, and his ignorance, is totally representative of why people are turning away from the Church.

Sir Elton John, CBE

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