17 JUNE 2006, Page 30

Amnesty and abortion

From Jonathan Bailey Sir: What an excellent article by Simon Caldwell (‘Amnesty could kill itself’, 27 May) pointing out the profound folly of Amnesty International’s rapidly developing plan to ditch its prized neutrality on the issue of abortion. If Amnesty goes prochoice it might well, as Mr Caldwell points out, frighten off many of its supporters and potential supporters, thereby diminishing its capacity to combat human rights abuses. As an Amnesty volunteer of many years, I am gravely concerned. But I will not be resigning, at least not immediately, and I would urge others in my position to remain members. By staying put we can continue to resist this unwelcome move. Indeed, anyone who does not wish to see this influential organisation put its weight behind abortion should join it and campaign against the proposal from within.

Jonathan Bailey
