A Jury, which met on Saturday at the Turk's Head
in the Strand, to inquire into the state of mind of Mr. George Booth, Crouch-hall, Hornsey, tumid that Mr. Booth had been of unsound mind since 31st December 18-22. The unfortunate gentleman is the eldest son of Mr.
Booth time distiller, and heir to an immense property. This is a ape.
eimen of his examination— Chief Commissioner—"I'ray, Sir, are you aware why you have come here to-day, 4111d who, time gentlemen are about you ? "—Mr. Booth (smiling, ashi
centinUCII to do throughout)—" Yes; it is a City meeting." ".11ave you had any conversation about it ? "—"iNo."
" You are mistaken; we have assembled for the purpose of inquiring isto
the state of your mind : and allow me to ask you if you have any property?"— " No, but my father has." " line much floes he allow you ? "—(The answer to this was inaudible.)
" !how 1111101 have you spent since last Christmas ? "—" About tis." " Yeti have been very economical. I believe you bought a Murphy?"— " Yes."
"What was it about ?"—" Rain anti Snow."
" Ay. the weather. Did you read it ? "—" I did."
mu Do you believe that it speaks truly? "—No; sometimes it's all wrong." Chief Cominissioner—" You are not far wrung in saying so. Did you buy two of these. alinanacks?"—" No, one."
"I think your are wrong. Did you not luny two at Blackfriars Bridge ?"— " Yes, I think I did hey two." mu How ninch did they cost? "—" I don't kuow ; I've forgot."
tt VII it ■ii yen do with them ?"—" I gave one of them away."
" Are youu fond of going to the theatre? ”—mm Yes."
" Are you fond or comedy or tragedy ? " W11111 were ynu last at the theatre ? "—m. Last Saturday."
" When are you going again ?"—" Next Monday." " What did you see last time there ?"—" Music." mm How du, you alien(' your time? "—" In reading." mu What sort of books do vou like best ? "—mm Novels."
"What is your favourite novel, and what is the last you read ?"—iml dal know."
" Did you ever go to school? yea..
" What is your age ?"—" Twelve."
Chief Cominissiuuer—" Are you a man or a boy?"—" A man, Sir."
On Tuesday, a Coroner's Jury found a special verdict against Ben- jamin Alison, to the effect that he had administered poison to Emma Cripps, a young woman with whom he had "kept company."
An explosion of one of the boilers of the steam-ship Victoria, which came up from Ilull, on her first voyage, on Thursday, took place yes. terday, off Erith. A party of directors, with their friends, including a number of ladies, were going in the vessel as fur as time Nore ; when about half-past ten, they heard a slight noise in the engine-room, but were immediately afterwards enveloped in steam. Nine men in the engine.rooin were dreadfully scalded, and one was killed. The Ves- per, a Gravesend boat, took the sufferers to the Dreadnought hospital. ship, and brought up the party from the Victoria to town. The Vic. toria is a floe-looking vessel, with two engines of 370 horse power.