Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh ofAberdeen. 1570-1625. Volume 11.
Essays on Subjects connected with the Reformation in England. Re- printed, with Additions, from "The British Magazine." By the Reverend S. R. Maitland, D.D., F.R.S., &c. Lectures on the Study of Chemistry, in connexion with the Atmosphere, the Earth, and the Ocean; and Discourses on Agriculture ; with Introduc- tion on the Present State of the West Indies, and on the Agr, icultural Societies of Barbados. By John Davy, M.D., F.R.S., &c. Lofoden; or the Ea-ileaof Norway. By E. W. Lander, Author of " The Bushman? In two volumes. Juvenile Depravity. 1001. Prize Essay. By the Reverend Henryj Work': Moscha Lamberti; or a Deed Done has an End. A Romance. By Mel Elizabeth Smith.
[The subject of this poem is the well-known tale of the FlorentinenobleBnondel- monte, who forsook his betrothed bride for another lady, and was murdered in the public streets by the friends of the deserted; Moscha Lamberti instigatingthe deed, and heading the attack, and thus laying the foundation of the Guelph and Ghibeline fends.] Pindari Carmina, ad Fidem Textus Backhiani. Pars Tertia, continens Odas Nemereas et Isthmias, Notas quasdam Anglice scriptas adjecit Galielmus Gifford Cookesley, M.A., &c. 1-We do not remember having seen the preceding parts of Mr. Cookesley's Pindar. This third volume is distinguished by a bold type in the text, and the number of the explanatory English notes, as well as by their comparative brevity; the student is not embarrassed in the explanation of difficult passages by needless verbiage.] Memoirs of My Youth. By A. De Lamartine. (Parlour Library of In- struction.) [This is not the romance founded on reality, a translation of which appeared coder the title of Raphael or Pages of the Book of Life at Twenty, but is the veritable autobiography of Lamartine; in which family affections, his own senti- ments, and his first love, fill a considerable place.] Digest of Evidence taken before a Committee of the House of Commons appoented to Inquire into the Agricultural Customs of England and Wales in respect to Tenant Right. Compiled and arranged by William Shaw, Editor of the "Mark Lane Express," &c., and Henry Corbet, Secre- tary of the London Farmers' Club, Author of the "Prize Essay on Tenant- Right," &c. [A well-selected and well-arranged digest Of the evidence on the agricultural cu- touts of England, that approach rather than establish what may be called tenant- right. The arrangement is county by county, first on the customs, then on the cultivation: the facts on these subjects are followed by evidence on the ope- ration of the law of entail, and a variety of other questions. The volume contains a large amount of useful information and shrewd suggestion.] Highland Destitution. Reports of the Edinburgh Section of the Central Board for the Relief of Destitution in the Highlands and Islands of Scot- land, for 1848 and 1849. Containing Documents illustrative of their Relief Operations. [A series of reports and documents of a businesslike character, issued from time to time to the subscribers to the fund for the relief of Highland destitution, and now collected into a volume.] A Selection from his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury's Practical Exposition of the Gospel, of those parts more particularly which refer to the Faith and Practice of a Christian. By the Reverend George Wilkin- son, B.D., Rector of Whicham.
[The idea of this compilation was suggested by the practice of reading from the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lectures at family devotions ; and the selection was made, with the author's permission, for the use of families unable to purchase the original work.]
.Armand; or the Peer and the Peasant. A Play, in five acts. By Anna Cora Mowatt, Author of" Fashion," &c.
Outlines of English History; with a Genealogical Chart, and other En- gravings. By Henry Inns, M.A. Forty-third Thousand. Outlines of General Knowledge, &c. By Henry Ince, M.A., Author of "Outlines of English History," &c. Tenth Thousand, much extended. A Remembrance of Bonchurcls, Isle of Wight, the Burial-place of the
Reverend W. Adams, M.A., Author of" The Shadows of the Cross," &c.
Letters. By George Bodington. The Repeal of the Malt kin, &c. By H. Ayres. Church Abuses and Church Reform. By the Reverend Scott F. Surtees, Rector of Richmond, Yorkshire, and Rural Dean.
A Journal of the Bishop's Visitation Tour through his Diocese, including a Visit to the Chatham Island, in the year 1848. New Zealand, Part V. The Sisters of Mercy at Devonport. Report of an Inquiry held by the
Lord Bishop of Exeter. Edited by Richard C. Rogers.
Who is to Blame for the War between Denmark and Germany ? Medical Reform a Public Question, &c. By a Physician. A Practical and Practicable Plan for the easy Adjustment of the Relation between Landlord and Tenant in Ireland. By Sir Augustus W. Hillary, Bart.