Tuesday, March 13,
Clay and Edwards, Nuneaton, mercers -Bickerton and Saunders, Oswestry, chemists -Barnes and Co. Lower Queen's Row, Pentonville, carpenters ; as far as regards E. Barnes-Parker and Find:, Regent Street, dress.makers-A. F. and R. Maxwell, Liverpool, merchants-B. and E. Steel, Sheffield, glass-dealers-Gil:1MM and Harpham, Gainsborough, mercers-Reynolds and Blades, Boston, merchants-Grover and Homan, Newport, Isle of Wight, army-elothiers-Pregel and Co. Bradford, Yorkehtre, worsted- merchants-Ansell and Elliot, Addle Street, Birmingham warehousemen-H. and A. A. Whitford, Providence Place, Kentish Town, linendrapers-Kemp and Co. Fleet- wcod, merchants-Gillard and Co. Tavistock, coach-builders-Graham and Murray, Goldsmith Street, warehousemen-Goddard and Co. Lyme Regis, timber-merchants- Cartwright and Co. Swadlieote, Derbyshire, coal-masters ; as far as regards M. Cart- wright-Gillespies and Co. London ; as far as regards L. Bluffed, J. Gillespie, A. Mur- ray, and A. Gillespie Jun.-Hammond and Cotton, Sheepshead, Leicestershire, hosiers -Thorniy and Son, Liverpool-Burniey and Co. Battey, Yorkshire, scribbling-millers- Clarke and Saijeant, Meriden, Warwickshire, surgeons-S. and B. Goodiuck, Abingdon, piumbers-Tett and Burton, Long Acre, auctioneers.
BLACKMAN, EDWARD LEWIS, Lombard Street, tailor, to surrender March 20, April 24: solicitors, Messrs. Weight and Bonner, London Street ; official assignee, Mr. Stens. feld.
CAWKER, Jona, Okehampton, Innkeeper, March 23, April 18: solicitors, means. Easters, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Messrs. Burd, Okeliampton; Sir, Terrell, Exeter ; assignee, Mr. Ilernaman, Exeter. COBBLEDICK, Jolla STANBURY, Whitstone, Cornwall, draper, March 23, April IT: solicitors, Mr. Fox, Finsbury Circus ; Mr. Rowe, Stratton, Cornwall; Mr. Turner, Exe- ter; official assignee, Mr. Hemaman, Exeter, Caoogas, GEORGE, Sheffield, bookseller, March 24, April 21: solicitors, Mr. Tatter- shall, Great James Street ; Messrs. Boole and Yeomen, Sheffield ; official assignee. Mr. Freeman, Sheffield. CUNNINGHAM, GEORGE, Northwich, grocer, March 27, Amil 17: solicitors, Mr. Ott- Ver, Old Jewry Chambers; Messrs. Evans and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. FRAMPTON, Jens, Cerne Abbas, money-scrivener, Starch 22, April 18 solicitors, Messrs. Cragg and Jeyes, Bedford Row ; Messrs. Slade and Vining, Yeovil ; Mr. Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. IRMO, Exeter. GRANT, HENRY, Cardiff, clockmaker, Starch 27, April 24: solicitors, Messrs. Row- land and Co. Threadneedle Street ; Mr. Bird, Cardiff; official assignee. Mr. AGraMKU, LEES, DAVID, Wednesbnry, coach-step-manufacturer, March 2, April 17: solicitors, Messrs. Corser and Underhill, Wolverhampton ; Messrs. Alotteram and Co. Birming- ham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. arGiveaur, MARK, and Jousrsom, JOSEPH, Manchester, small-ware.manufacturers, March 29, April 20: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row; Mr. Cooper, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester. MORECRAFT, ALFRED, Marlborough, draper, March 21, April 26: solicitors, memos. Reid and Co. Friday Street ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings. OCCLESHEAD, THOMAS, and Cummixs, caesium, Liverpool, commission-agents, Starch 30. May 10: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Stow; Mr. Payne, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. Parr, HENRY, Ludgate Hill, printer, March 22, April 30: solicitor, Mr. Vaughan, Furnival's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-
Hoz, MArraew, Coventry, draper, Starch 29, Aprll 21: solicitor, Mr. Wilmot, Coven- try ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. Suraross, WILLIAM, Piccadilly, tobacconist, March 20, April 24: solicitor, Mr. Ro- berts, St. Martin's Court ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell.
WARWICK, WILLIAM ATKINSON, Cambridge, printer, March 22, April 30; solicitors, Messrs. Cole, Adelphi Terrace; official assignee, Mr. Yureaand, Guildhall Chambers. WrrnEas, THOMAS, SS. Dunstan's 11111, wine merchant, Starch 22, April 30: solici- tor, Mr. Dolman, Jermyn Street; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
April 3, Alison and Co. New Broad Street, merchants-April 4, Prince, Ramsey, wine-merchant-April 5, Popplewell, Southampton, outfitter-April 13, Gaze, Stroud Road, Gloucestershire, builder-April 13, Day, Devizes, baker-April 4, Bury, Man- cheater, drysalter-April 4, Mann, Hull, wine-merchant-April 5, Wood and Sons, Silkstone, Yorkshire, fancy-cloth-manufacturers.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
• April 4, be Bernardy, Hanover Street, victualler—April 4, Thomas, London Road, Southwark, surgeon—April 4, Cottell, Cowes, plumber—April 4, Soutter and Hammond, Limehouse, engineers—April 4, Ilawgood, Newington Causeway, stationer—April 3, Williams, Reading, coach-proprietor—April 5, Leigh, Manchester, tea-merchant—April IS, Middleton, Manchester, soap-manufacturer—Apri14, Deffinne, Manchester, gingham- manufacturer—April 3, Jeffreys and Meek, Liverpool, merchants—April 5, Hughes, Liverpool, woollendraper—April 4, Williams, Birmingham, surgeon.
To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before April 3. Mobbs, Alfred Place, Brompton, coal-merchant—Jones, Manchester, timber-mer- chant—Fellows, Wolverhampton. victualler—Hay, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, baker— Brown, Ilexham, timber-merchant—lieritage, Uxbridge, draper—Radforn, Uckfield, apothecary. DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDS. Synnot, Liverpool, merchant ; second div. of 4td. and first div. of 3s. lid, on new proofs, March 14, and any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool—Mayer, Burslem, earthenware-manufacturer; first &v. of Is. 3d. on any Thursday ; Mr. Chris- tie, Birmingham—Kirby, Newgate Street, pin-manufacturer; first div. of 3s. 3d. on new proofs, March 17, and two subsequent Saturdays; Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place- Tuffidge, Beaulieu, Hampshire, brewer ; first dlr. of 341. on new proofs, March 17, and two subsequent Saturdays; Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place —Macbryde, Watling Street, wine merchant ; second div. of 6d. and first and second div. of 2s. 6d. on new proofs, March 17, and two subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place— Moon, Langbourne Chambers, Fenchurch Street, merchant; first dlr. of 60. March 19, and subsequent Monday ; Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place—Anderson, Chester-le- Street, Durham, draper; div. of 4s. fid. on new proofs, March 17, and any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—Brown, Hexham, Northumberland, timber-merchant ; first env. ails. March 17, and any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—Todd, Whltehaven, Ironmonger; second div. of Is. March 17, and any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
3fack and Rutherford, Leith, contractors, March ID, April 3—Hall, Eagiesham, Ren- frewshire, blacksmith, March 16, April 6—E. and A. 31Millan, Edinburgh, writers, March 19, April 9—Crassick, Buchaam. Strathdon, Aberdeenshire, farmer, March 17, April 13—Semple, Cambuslang, Lanarkshire, grocer, March 17, April 7.
Friday, March 16.
Parlane and Bryde, Liverpool, Umber-merchants—S. and A. Pegler, Biandford Fo- rum, Dorsetshlre, watch-makers—Morland and Son, Burton, Westmoreland, black- smiths—R. and W. Turner, Liverpool, cart-owners—Greaves and Co. Liverpool, car- riers—Stockdale and Morton, Oldham, drapers—Royce and Son, Peterborough, builders —Wyse and Covell, Liverpool, wine-merchants—Wynn and Rudd, Bradford, York. Shire, Ironmongers—Stewart and 111•31inn, Liverpool, land-surveyors—Powell and Son, Hereford, agricultural-machine-makers—Roberts and Shimmin, Liverpool, linendrapers —Code and Green, Liverpool, joiners—Taylor aud Ball, Nicholas Lane, wine-merchants —Burgin and Ward, Sheffield, scissor-manufacturers — Robinson and Amnonler, Leadenhall Street, goldsmtffis—Ryder and Co. St. Mary Axe, agents—Turner and Spratt, Tichborne Street, chemists—.Nicholson and Co. Sheffield, silver-platers—Os- baldiston and Co. of the Victoria and Surrey Theatres—Knowles and Co. Cockey Moor Colliery, Lancashire, and Denham and Co. Manchester, manufacturers—Stringer and Daniell, Chamber Street, Goodman's Fields, oilmen—Hollins and Co. Manchester, bleachers; as fares regards J. Nightingale—Hadfield and Alsop, Kirkhurton, Yorkshire, grocers—Sheppard and Co. Kent Street, le iberdashers—Elhi and Co. Kingston, Ja- maica ; as far as regards J. B. Elin—Naylor and Dolphin, Minsterley, Shropshire, grocers—Lane and Son, Church Street, Bethnal Green,
ADAM,, HENRY, Bridgetown, scrivener. to surrender March 27, April 24 solicitors, Mr. Spyer, Broad Street Buildings ; Mr. Turner, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr.1.11rtzel, Exeter, Ausior, Emma and DAVID, Arlington Place, St. George's-In-the-East, builders, March 27, April 27; solicitor, Mr. Hodgson, Great Tower Street ; official assignee, Mr. 'Whitmore, Basinghall Street. AYERS, James, Elham, Kent, farmer, March 23, April 27: solicitors, Messrs. Rich- ardson and Talbot, Bedford Row; and Mr. Sankey, Canterbury; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Bireffin Lane. Cossiws, JOHN, New Church Street, Portman Market, linendraper, March 29, April
27: Solicitors, Messrs. Hardwkir and Davidson, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane.
Caine, Tnomas, Layton.within-Warbreck, Lancashire, grocer, March 27, April 23: Solicitors, Mr. Appleby, Harper Street ; Mr. Liddell, Poulton; Mr. Snowball, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Casanova Liverpool. FLYNN, JOHN Thosukt, Birmingham. grocer, March 22, April 21: solicitor, Mr. Har- rison, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. KELLY, WILLIAM LANCELOT, Newport, Monmouthshire, bookseller, March 23, April
28: solicitors, Messrs. Fry and Co. Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court.
LIGHT, Jonas, Weston-super-Mare, saddler, March 30, April 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Irwin and Taylor, Gray's Inn; Mr. Gibb, Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. Notes, THOMAs, Upminster, Essex, miller, March 22, April 30: solicitor, Mr. Towne, Devonshire Square ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Guildhall Chambers. • PALMER, WALTER, Rugeley, corn-merchant, March 27, April 24: solicitors, Messrs. Wilde and Co. College Hill ; Mr. Rawlins, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whit- more, Birmingham.
Bair, Geozoaddoorgate Street, tailor, March 28, April 27: solicitors, Messrs. Des- borough and Co. Size Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
113-weassix, Jong, Gateshead. copperas-maker, March 23, April 26: solicitor, Mr. Earle, Southampton Buildings; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-l'yne. SKINNER, WILLIAM, High Street. Aidgate, clothier, March 23, April 27: solicitors, Messrs. 31ardon and Prichard, Newgate Street; official assignee, Mr. Canaan, Birchin Lane.
WESSON, Tnostas, Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, March 30, April 27: solicitor, Mr. Coope, Nottingham: official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Nottingham. Witcox, HENRY, Manchester, tailor, March 28, April 24: solicitors, Mr. Abbott, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Messrs. Bennett, Manchester: official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.
April 10, Wffilams, Reading, coach-proprietor—April 10, Peake and Hall, Lichfield, Ironmongers—Apnl 10, Bate and Co. Rugeley, Staffordshire, brewers— April 10, J. and W. Batson, Dudley Port, Staffordshire, Iron-masters—April 24, Dunn, Wakefield, corn- factor—April 17, Player, Dursley, Gloucestershire, draper—April 12, Crocker, Yeovil, Ironmonger—April 12, Harvey, Sldmouth, Devonshire, printer—April 12, Kennedy, Taunton, draper—April 10, Weiss, Liverpool, musicseller.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
April 9, Clowes, Norwich, auctioneer—April 9, O'Neill, Liverpool, corn-merchant- April 17, Turner, Sheffield, innkeeper —April 17, Pearson, Buskin, druggisk,April 17, Yates junior, Colwich, Staffordshire, corn-factor.
• To be confirmed unless cause be Moscato the coniretry on or before April 6.
. Peach, Gravesend, discount-broker—Hayward, Sodthampton, brewer—Lockyer, St, James's Walk, Clerkenwell, tool-merchant—Ling, Norwich, brushmaker—Rose jun. Dorking, grocer—Ilaviland, Burwash, Sussex, hop-merchant—Bonney, William Street. Knightsbridge, wine-merchant—Keates, Waterloo Road, draper—Horton, Dudiey.fron- master—Denny, Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, linendraper—Heyward, Torquay, grocer—Luck, Cheltenham. taller—Turner, Bucklersbury, aucUoneer.
Davison, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper; first clic. of as. 3d. March 17, and any stile aequent Saturday ; Mr. Watley, NeweasUe-upon-Tyne—Douglas, Bury, draper ; tbui1 div. of id. March 20, :and any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Pot% Manchester—Gerry, Gilbert Street, Oilord Street, builder; drat div. of Is. lid. March 19, and two subse- quent Mondays; Mr. Canaan, Birchin Lone—Benda, Camomile Street, importer of fo- reign goods ; drat div. of 5s. March 19 and two subsequent-Mondays •' Mr. Cannan, DIrChin Lane—Streatfeild, ComlaW, underwriter; first and . final this. of 20s. March 17, and three subsequent Saturdays; Mr. Groom, Ahciturch Lane—Steere, Guildford, Watchmaker; first div. of 10.s. any Saturday; Mr. Gtft. n, Guildhall Chambers—Ed- mends, Strand, bookseller; first dlr. of 21. 6d. any Sskurday ; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers—T. and W. Stirling, Stratford, Essex, slaters ; div. of 205. and on the sepa- rate estate of T. Stirling, div. of 20s. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Guildhall Chambers.
Cranston, Edinburgh, hotelkeeper, March 21, April II—Little, Selkirk. joiner, 3farc1 19, April 9 —Myles, Dundee, shipowne,r. March 22, April II ,Crulkshank, Elgin, mer-, Chant, March 23, April 20 —Dewar, Crieff, innkeeper, March 24, April 14—Bisset, Edina burgh, stay-manufacturer, March 23, April 16—Steel, Glasgow, merchant, March 23; April 13—Robertson. Greertoekonerehant. March 22, April 12—Young, Glasgow. Marcie
21, April 11—Buchanan, Gicamw, gInghani-manufacturer, Marsh 23, April 13. ,