Mr. Lowe's speech, which was expected to damage the Bill
exceedingly, was not one of his happiest efforts. His most origi- nal point was the remark that material improvement had brought constituencies much nearer to their members, that pressure was therefore much more direct and immediate, and that democratic constituencies would be much less patient and considerate in their
use of this engine than ---sent owners of the franchise. This is a sound argument, but tat rest of the speech consisted of reasons against any reform wheever, based on two ideas, that the lower you go the more venality, drunkerness, and violence you find, and that the House of Comrons &es its work, and more especially its peculiar work, which is finance, admirably. He argued strongly against the introduction of a Bill, to be followed by three other Reform Bills, and in a peroration of some dignity declared that he left to Mr. Gladstone the triumph of carrying his measure, " Mine be the glory of having, to the utmost of my poor ability, resisted it."