The accounts from the South of the cruelties practised against
the 'freedmen are terrible. From Mississippi and Alabama inde- pesieleut reliorts sassed:that freedmen are continually shipped off as slaves -and -sold -to • Cuba, the revised- law in -several -States authorizing the selling of • Li negro rragrants." Meanwhile our countrymen in_New York, and even quasi-republicans like our cor- respondent " A Yankee," whose views on this subject are as un- scrupulous as any Southerner's, explain that the North has already paid enough for .the negro cause, and is not going to pay any more, even though their nominal rights as citizens be universally violated. We say that men who pay thus andfight thus for Union, and decline to pay anything-additional to redeem their own pledges of freedom to their own negro allies, are not worthy of Union, and will not keep it long. Already the signs of danger are -imminent. General Terry writes from Richmond that if his,troops are further reduced he must retire on Fortress Manroe, so disloyal is the chief city • of -Virginia; -and General :Howard reports that -since the President's veto all the terrible difficulties of the officers of the Freedmen's Bureau in securing some show of justice here and there to the negroes are tenfold aggravated. We believe that the 'Republican party-will stand firm, but the President, short-sighted and narrow-minded, is.alrearly doing his best to undo what the war has done.