There was also a most disgraceful scene in Bordeslay Church
on Sunday, when the Rev. Alan Hunter Watts, who has been appointed by the Aston Trustees to succeed the Rev. R. W. Enraght, displaced by the operation of the Public Worship, Act, read himself in as the new Vicar in the morning, and preached, or tried to preach, in the evening. In striking contrast to the conduct of Mr. Enraght, who has strictly obeyed the inhibition of the Bishop of Worcester, his Ritualistic friends, aided by roughs, organised a scene of tumult and insult which, within the walls of a church, was as profane as it was criminal. The new Vicar's personal safety was anly ensured by the attendance of a very large body of police, while the indecency of the tumult can hardly be exaggerated. It is not by accepting demonstrations of this kind that the Ritualists will gain the, toleration they doserve, Hitherto, it has been their boast that they have suffered these things, and overcome persecution by suffering them, uot that they have enlisted coarse violence on their side,