The return of losses from submarine warfare, published in the
papers of Thursday, shows that thirteen vessels of over 1,600 tons were rank during the week. In the previous week the number was fourteen, and in the week before that fifteen. Of the vessels under 1,600 tons, four wore sunk as compared with nine and six in the earlier weeks. Sixteen merchant vessels successfully resisted attack as compared with twelve in each of the other weeks. These figures are quite encouraging in themselves, but it has to be added that the losses probably remain about the same in proportion to the number of vessels arriving and sailing ; 1,985 vessels arrived as against 2,528 in the previous week, and 1,959 sailed as against 2,477. This shrinkage of arrivals and sailing is of course not due to German submarines. Traffic on the seas is like traffic in the streets—there are blocks and gaps for no apparent reason.