17 MARCH 1917, Page 15


[To TITS EDITOR or TIP " SPECTITOR."] letter some weeks ago eking your opinion as to the best " Life of Lincoln " not only brought your excellent advice, but the unexpected publication of my letter brought •abott several other results. Within a few-hours a.neighbOur sent round his copy of Lord Charnwood's Life (the book you recommended), which I have found of engrossing interest, and judging -of it as of a portrait of some one unknown, it seems a wonderfully wise delineation and appreciation of the man. I received other kind advice from your readers, as well as offers of books second-hand, but also, to my great surprise, an unknown Ainericen reader with .0 most courteous message sent me anonymously from New York .a dainty copy'of The Perfect Tribute, by Mary P.. S. Andrews—a charming story of a wonderfully characteristic episode in Lincoln's life. I- should like to acknowledge this courtesy, if I may,. through the-only available channel of your columns.—I am,