17 MARCH 1917, Page 15


to • roost. But-why not Ora I to--youro one signal failuee—the indispensability of Mr. Asquith and his -Coalition? We have • got rid of bins; but he has'cost us the Irish Rebellion,- the'Con- scieritious•Objector; anklet -least sOyear's delay in National Service

and oar Feed Supply.—I am, Sir, &c., G. ii."Beito Marine Hotel, Salcombe, South Devon.

[It is as yet too early to-do what our correspondent asks. The indispensability' of Mr.• Anquitles Coalition Ministry.' must be judged by -the success or-failure of its successor. If, as we hope will be the case, the new Administration justifies- its existence, we shall most gladly admit our blunder,—Eo. Spectator.].