[To TRH ED/TOR or TER " SPECTAT011."] Pon,--Iir view of the Majority' recommendations relatingto Woman Suffrage in -the 'Report of the.Speaker's Eleetoral, Reform Confer- ence, may I beg .the hospitality- of your columns to 'make public the following resolution, representing the large- body of Anti- SniftegiOnpinion in• Kensington and passed by my Executive Cons- inilltee at a meeting on March fird?-- " That this Coinunittee deprecates the- revival of controversy in time-of war, -andprcitests against any attempt- to alter • the male, basis-of the:electorate' during the life of the prelent Parliament,. neePin theeabeence of many thousands -of.. electors entitled to vote! on thte/quiestion."
Copies-of the above resolution have been sent to the Prime! Minister,- theoRight Hong A. Boner Law; the Right Hon. H. H. Aateuithi Lord Claud Hamilton, IILP., and Mr. Alan Burgoyne,