Bonar Law has now filled up the vacant offices in
his Administration. Major A. R Boyd-Carpenter- has been made Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Colonel A. Buckley Parliamentary Secretary in the Overseas Trade Department, Nr. GoLsey Locker- Lampson Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Home Office, and Mr. H. B. Betterton Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour. Mr. Betterton, who defeated Mr. Norman Angell at the General Election, is the only; one of: these four Ministers, who has not held- office previously. During the War he was a member of the Advisory- Board- of the War Trade Intelligence Depart. ment. The appointment has also been announced of Colonel- F. S. Jackson to be Chairman of the Unionist Party Organization to succeed Lord Younger. Sir Reginald Hall, who managed the Naval' Intelligence so admirably' during the War, has been made Principal Agent to succeed Sir Malcolta Fraser.-