It is with very great satisfaction that we record the
announcement made by the Times (in Wednesday's issue) that the Dean-and Chapter.of Westminster have decided to erect a tablet in Westminster Abbey to -the memory of Mr. Page. The tablet, it is stated, will be placed near the Chapter House and in close proximity . to the windows which commemorate another diplomatic representative of America in Mr. -Lowell. We heartily congratulate the _English-Speaking Union, for to them belongs the honour of suggesting . a .memorial in Westminster Abbey as the, appropriate way. of express- ing the, gratitude of the,-British Nation., and -.Empire -to the , man Who, though the friend of his own county always, was our friend in need. `The-Dean and Chapter ,are ,quite right in not, yielding an inch of the precious wall space of the. Abbey without the fullest and most anxious consideration, and also without making sure that it is the universal wish .of this country that they should part with a portion of the treasure which they guard. Such deliberation makes a happy concession when it comes not the less, but the more, gracious and acceptable.