The foundation of Stowe School was formally cele , brated by
a dinner last Saturday, at which the -Head- Master Elect, Mr. Roxburgh, outlined his policy. His programme promised an admirable balance between literature and science, work and games, discipline and liberty, and we look forward to seeing -Stowe develop under him • into a great school where " modem- ideas " are added to• and do not replace such of the traditional methods as have been- shown to be wise and--far-sighted. Lord Gisborough, speaking for the governing body, said that though they were opening two boarding-houses in May, and would open two -more the following term, Stowe could- not develop and grow with the fullness mid rapidity that were desired by its-sponsors and demanded by the educational situation unless .there was a good response to the appeal • which he has just launched for, an Endowment -Fund. There arc already entries for every term save one up to and including 4934, and the list for the first term- was closed some time ago.