Isaiah ; an Oratorio. The Words chiefly selected from the Scriptures. The Music composed by William Jackson.
We close this handsome volume with a high opinion of the author's talents and attainments, but with a feeling of regret that they are in a great measure thrown away in the production of a work of this class. An unperformed oratorio is like an enacted drama ; its publication has very little chance of attracting attention : and the oratorio is in a situa- tion still more disadvantageous than the play ; for, the orchestral score being reduced to a mere organ or pianoforte accompaniment, it is impos- sible to form a judgment respecting some of the most essential qualities of the composition. Music of this kind must first strike the public through the medium of the senses-' the author's conceptions must be b realized by fine singers, a full orchestra, and a powerful chorus. When this has been successfully accomplished, those who have heard it will de- sire to possess it in a published form, in order that they may revive their reminiscences and enjoy their favourite morceaux by having them played and sung round the social pianoforte. We have never heard of a great choral and orchestral work coming into general notice through any other means.
Nor do we think that this oratorio, with all its merit, would be able, even if performed, to stand its ground among the migl' ity works with which the public ear—even the popular ear—is daily becoming more and more familiar. The subject is not of striking interest ; the book being little more than a cento of texts from Isaiah, in which the prophet de. nounces the Israelites for their fall into idolatry, and afterwards adminis- ters to them consolation on their return to the true faith. An attempt is made to produce effect, by contrasting the garish and barba- ric pomp of the Pagan songs and choruses addressed to Baal with the deeper solemnity of the worship of Jehovah : but this expe- dient has now become common, having been adopted not only by Handel but by Spohr and Mendelssohn. Then the work does not breathe that inspiration of genius without which great distinction cannot be at- tained. But everything bespeaks the hand of a skilful artist. Some of the choruses show considerable constructive power ; their proportions are large and simple, and their subjects are treated with an unembarrassed clearness and ease derived from a mastery of the resources of counter- point. The airs flow elegantly, are very singable, and always in keeping with the character of the words. Well performed, many parts of this oratorio would certainly give much pleasure, though it would not take its place among the great masterpieces of the art. Mr. Jackson's talents foi
composition therefore would he more advantageously exercised in works of a less ambitious and yet by no means unimportant kind,—in anthems, hyms, services, and other pieces belonging to the music of the church, the department to which he appears to have especially devoted himself, and in which he has few superiors among our English ecclesiastical com- posers.