We regret most deeply to announce the sudden death, from
cardiac affection, of Mr. George Hooper, one of the most upright and able of professional journalists. His connection with this paper, among others, had lasted with short breaks through his whole active life, he having been the sub-editor chosen by its founder, Mr. Rintoul, and a frequent contributor even within the last few weeks. In more permanent literature, too, Mr. Hooper held no mean rank, being acknowledged by soldiers to be the most competent civilian who ever discussed their art. His book on " Waterloo " is a masterpiece, and it is greatly to be regretted that he never published a History of the American War, about which he wrote at the time a vast number of essays quite wonderful for the accuracy of their predictions. We never knew in the profession a more absolutely upright man, or one whose heart was more sound ; while his judgment, in spite of a certain fire of temper, was completely free from the taint either of prejudice or rancour.