17 MAY 1913, Page 1

A Reuter telegram from Sofia in Wednesday's papers gives the

official returns of the Bulgarian losses in the war as 33,000 killed and missing and 53,000 wounded. Apart from the high proportion of dead to wounded, the figures become even more impressive when compared with those of the greatest war of modern times. In the Franco-German war, as the Westminster Gazette reminds us, the deaths on the German side were only 28,000, while the wounded numbered 100,000. " That is to say, a nation nearly eight times as numerous had a smaller death-roll in a war which ranks as the greatest of modern times than one of the partners in the Balkan struggle." When to this are added the losses of the Turks, of the other Allies, and the hundreds of thousands of non-combatants who have perished by massacre or died of want and disease, it will be realized that the Balkan war has achieved an evil supremacy in the destruction of human life.