17 MAY 1957, Page 18


SIR,—I am fascinated by your revolutionary economic theory in 'Shop Talk' (April 26) that the way to keep prices down is to keep shops open longer! One could suggest, with equal logic, that you in- crease the pages of your journal to ensure the price remaining at 9d.

You appear to think that price maintenance enables inefficient retailers to make exorbitant profits. On the contrary, many price-maintained articles show a much smaller profit than others, i.e. it would be difficult to reduce the price of a packet of soap powder retailing at 6d. which costs 5fd. There are other maintained goods which show a better profit, but this is largely given by the manufacturers to en- sure the backing of retailers capable of correct stocking, maintenance, service or demonstration. '

Again, you argue that self-service shops keep down prices. On the contrary, goods are very often dearer, because of the expensive prepacking which has to be done, i.e. potatoes in polythene.

Lastly, you have an obsession about a mysterious 'retailers' ring.' I have been in business for the last thirty years and have never heard of this organisa- tion, which I suspect is a figment of your " imagination.

There are, of course, trade associations. I am proud to belong to the National Federation of Ironmongers. At our branch meetings we rarely discuss the matters about which you are so misinformed.

You may be interested to know that at our last meeting almost the whole of the evening was occupied in discussing means to make certain manufacturers claiming non-existent virtues for their products either tone down their claims or improve the performance of their goods. In one instance we decided to recom- mend our customers to use an alternative which showed us a reduced profit—but you will be too cyni- cal to believe that!

I shall continue to purchase your excellent journal, at the strictly maintained price of 9d., in the hope that the knowledge that you have an ironmonger as a reader will not cause you distress.—Yours faithfully,

GEORGE W. MEALOR (President, South Lanes branch of the NFI)

Redmays, Chester Road, Daresbury, near Warrington