17 MAY 1957, Page 18


SIR,—John Betjeman has graded the postal districts for those pebple who strive to live in the 'right' areas. But although those engaged in trade may be equally concerned to possess a 'good address,' the same list will certainly not serve them too.

, For many years I have been puzzled why Harrods should persist in giving their address as Knights- bridge. SW1, when we all know that they are to be found in Brompton Road, SW3 (to which Mr. Betjeman gives the higher rating).

A glance at the postal map, however, shows that, by either accident or design, a narrow isthmus dodges up Hans Crescent and back to scoop Harrods into SW1. I feel sure that had the store wished to remain in SW3, along with its neighbours on either side, it could have been arranged. But perhaps the know- ledge that Harvey Nichols and Company, Woollands, Peter Jones, the Army and Navy Stores and Gorringes were all to be found in SW1 was too much for Harrods; maybe they even pressed for that curious circumvolution in the postal frontier when, in 1917, it was decided to allocate numbers as well as letters to an address—whether good or bad.— Yours faithfully,