Bucking the issue
Sir: I could not believe my eyes when there fluttered from my Spectator a promotional folder for Marxism Today. Your magazine — occasional lapses apart — presents a perceptive and honest view of the world, always ready to expose the follies of political extremism. How could you possibly further in any way an odious and alien creed which has arguably caused more suffering than any other in history?
I sought in every direction for an ex- planation of this amazing state of affairs. Did it stem from a liberal-progressive obsession with 'fairness' — the 'hear all sides' syndrome? Was it possible that the Spectator and Marxism Today were pro- duced by the same company, even em- ploying a single journalistic team whose members lived double and secret lives? Alas, I had to abandon such delightful conspiratorial theories and settle for a more prosaic answer: it was a case of anything for a fast buck.
E. J. Lacey
21 Walpole Road, Surbiton, Surrey