FROM TILE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, November 13.
NFEnnAm and Symms, Earl's Court, Bromnpton, browere-Wirnmone junior and Tnr...- teen, Cooper's Row, Crutchedfriars, wine-luereliants-Evan and Co., Manchester,. coach-proprietors-Marne and Hoax Streik Square, Gray's Ion, attornies-J. and W. BASELEY, Soufham, butchers-11,in senior and junior, Upper North Place. Gray's Inn Lane Road, stable-keepers-MASON and STANN EP junior, Mellor, eandle-wick- makers-R PLA ND and WELCH, Birmingham, ironmerchant:-SAFFMIT junior and CreCt Yarmouth, brewers-NICHOLSON and Wit.sow. Leeds, stoneanereltantk- la an.1 Co, Hinckley, hosiers-11. nett N. Or.ivnit, Kensington, smiths -lisgernim and Cm:women, Warrington, glass dealers-Enms aud Co., Glasgow ; as far as regards 3. S. Woon.
RSCVDTEn, JCIIN, Alitern:Vde Street, Piece dilly, hotel-keeper, Nov. 13. IiErmitteNr, ISTDGRE, Ilesingliall Street, merebant. Nov. 13.
SINES, SHAISESPEAR GARRICK, AlleOndbilry, banker, Nov. 12.
COCHRILL,Wintram, East lint terwiek, corn feetor.
BURRELL. SAMUEL, St. Ives, WOGIINedkaper, to surreuder Nov. •20, lire, a- : sullcitors, Mr. Lloyd, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn ; and Mr. Wright, l huetiugdm. INA NI EY, Jos.:, Regent Street, iroomone,er, Nov. 26, Dee. 05 : rotieitem, Mr. Hitch- cock, Davies Street, Berkeley Street ; and Mr. Wright, Golden Square 011:cla1 assignee,
Mr. Clark, St. ithin's Lane. DIVIDENDS.
Dee. 6. Remington and Co., Lombard Street, bankers-Dee. 6, enzeuove, Broad Street Buildings, underwriter-Dee. 3, Sikes and Co., Lomleu, haalrers -- Dee. 5, Mat-
thews, 01:1 St St. Luke's, timber-nmecha 5, Weston, barge wille-mer- ehant-Dee. 5, Wiseman, Norwich, sill:man-Dec. 5, Deleon., 51 lichen Street, St. Luke's, carpenter-Dee. 5, Ritchie,,: kfriaes, coal-tam:eh ant-Dee. 6, Fry, Great Ormond Street. dealer-Dee. 6, Dawson, Waltham, tanner--Jan. 21, I'll.', Northamp- ton Square, tailor-Dec. 7, Reed, Birmingham, gun-maker-Dee. 4, Ileslethm, South- ampton. bone'e:erehant-Dee. 5, Donald, Hayton, cattle--:Salesman-Dec. 5, Hughes, Birmingham. crown-glass-dealer-Pee. S, Johnsen and Co.. Liverpool, oilmen-Dec. 7, Join son, Gook., druggist-Dcc. 5, Bran:I:wain.. Liverpool, fruiterer.
To 1w granted, unless eft,ige si...nzn to the com'rary, on or 1,fore D..r. 4.
Isnaes, Oxfonl Strut, sf raw -halenanufaeturer -Taylor, Tolrenhouse Yard, merchant -Dempsey, Kin. Street, Westminster, imrter-reerelm a! -O Tottenham Cane RoMI, lead-merellant-Bradwell, Gower St rem, lodging. lent Friday, November 16. PASITEERSHIPS nissomam. A. :Ind J. IA eons, Berldean-Buentox and Linn, Doctors' Cot:anions, solicitora,- Hoaxer and 11tELD. Yordley Street, varniolomakers-Manneerr aud FI:ARN, Ash- bet ne, Derhyslthe, mercers-BARROW GILL SONS, Laecaster, sroollen.dramos-DteniXs and CAV.-LEV.F:ym•,;:i hmliina-clay-merekant -II I (1 -•ON Co. N imachester. tteraleM.-- \\-INN and Imv LOWS and NcTTALI„ Laneeshire, commomemriers re v me: and Et:- WARDS, Birmingham, s VOTSIIL:IIIS -R., .1. K., and R. N. WILLIAMS, 11:imol, timber- mer tool 11. I. rag v, Chelsea. gardeners. IN .VENTS. Bien:ore ALPERT, 1-•• •••t, et, paare, ovine-merchant, Nov.15. BoenrIlL C!IA::1.1•:::, 1 : NOV,15. DAV:a,N, . Cn, 1..h.v. 14. SIITEN, -1•':', _n••••.•1', NOV. 14. eA:-IHRUPTCY ENLACCED. • Loan, RICIIARD, Northamptonshire, melts:ter, from Oct. 5 to Nov. :23. 73AxnitopTCY SUPERSEDED, BILLOWS, GEORGE BAKER, Poole, ironmonger. BANKRUPTS. REEDY, GEORTE, London Wall, dealer, to surrender Nov. 22. Dec. 29: solicitor, Mr, Crowe, King t-5treet,Cheapside. Bowie, GEonoe and MANOAT„ Birmingham, gilt-toy-makers, Nov. 30, Dec. 'OS : soli- citors, Messrs. Alexander and Cu., Carey Strut, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Messrs. Leo and Co., Birmingham. BURRELL, SA MNLL, S:. Ives, linn-draper, Nov. 29, Dec. 28: solicitors, Mr. Lloyd, Bartlett's Buil:lines, Holborn ; :::t:1 Mr. Wright, Iluntiugdon. CareaLt. WILLi.AM Setiinr, It 1: i‘rn:11`;;Meliil, butcher, NM'. 29, Dec. : solicitors, Sandy s and Son, Crene Court, 1 1,,er S;r•.•-t ; official assignee, Ill r.Kitehener, Lothbury. Cnaes,•IIEnev. Regent Street, poi at: r. Nov. 21, Dec. 2a: solicitors, Messrs. Blunt and Co.:Liverpool Street ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, Kiug's Arms Yard, Coleanau Street. DITCHFIELD, JAMES, WErrintOn, victualler, Nov. JO, Dee. 1, .28: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Crossley and Sudlow. Manchester. HARRISON, SAMUEL, and BRIuTOW, WILLIAM, 01d BrOM1H011, nursery men, Nov. 24, Dec. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Lane and Prideaux, Goldsmiths' Hall, Alclermanbury. lixectins, EVAN, Manchester, draper, Nov. 29,30, Dec. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Wetheten, Temple; and Messrs. Hadfield and Grave, 1\11111aleSter, HOWAIL1), T::,,MAS, Burnley, tailor, Dec. 8, 28 : solicitors, Mr. Scott, Lincoln's Din Fields ; and Messrs. Shaw and Arandale, Burnley. JARVIS, Wirmust, Peterborough, victualler, Nov. 23, Dec. : solicitors, Messrs. Western and Son, Great James &me., Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Abbott, King's Anus Yard, Coleman Street. JEFFERYS, THOMAS, Manley, perfumer, Dcc. 1, 28: solicitors, Messrs. Dan and Bick- nell, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Jones, Hanley. WILLIAM, Southampton, hotel-keeper, Nov. 27, Dec. 23: solicitors, Messrs. Bremridge, Temple; and Mr. Blanchard, Southampton. LAVER, ISAAC, Clapham, tallow-chaudler, Nov. 21, Dec. 23: solicitor, Mr. Sesame, Great Winchester Street, Broad Street. OLDFIELD, JAMES PETER. Liverpool, merchant, Nov. 30, Dec. 23: solicitors, Messrs. Lowe and Co., Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Whitiev, Liverpool. PALMER, HENRY, Alfred Street, Bow, dealer, Nov. 91. Dec. 28: solicitor, Mr. Lang, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street. PEARCE, Jona, Museum Street, Bloomsbury, licensed-victualler, Nov. 99, Dee-28: solicitors, Messrs. Gole, Lothbury; official assignee, Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard. P.; 7 r• • • Portland Place North, Clapham Road, bookseller, Nov. 28, Dec. 28: solicitor, Mr. Griffith, Salisbury Square ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basingliall Street. SarxnEns, Jotter, Corbel's Tay, schoolmaster, Nov. 22, Dec. 28: solicitor, Mr. Faw- cett, Jew in Street, Cripplegate. SLOPER, BEVAN GEORGE, Chester, reannfacturing,-chernist, Nov. 24, Dec. 23: solidi- tors, Messrs. Adlington and Co., Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Radcliffe and Duncan, Liverpool. W/LTPAM, Billingsgate, fishmonger. Nov. 27. Dee. 28: solicitors. Messrs. Williams and Bethel, Lincoln s Inn Fields ; official assignee, Mr. Kitchener, Lothbury. DIVIDENDS. Dcc. 13, H. and J. Cazenove, Broad Street Buildings, merchants-1)cm 7, Bruce, Bar- tholomew Lane, insurance-broker-Dee. 10. Davison and Nonaille, Star Court, Bread Street, dealers-Dec. 7. Hamerton,Wansforth Northamptonshire, paper-maimfacturer- Dee. 10, Campbell, Half-moon Street, Piecrediliy, coal-merchant-Dec. 13, J. and E. A. Smee, Crown Court, Cheayside,warelionsemen-Dee. 12, Leech, Ludgate hill, licensed- victualler-Dec. 10, Norris and Tvas, Bury Place, Bloomsbury, wine-merchants-Dee. 13, R. and W. B. Bywater, Waltham Abbey, grocers-Dec. le, Andras, Addlestone, Sorry, brewer-Dec.5, Sams and Wilkinson, London, bankers-Dec.20, Powell, Ne- went, Gloucestershire, grocer-Dec. 10, Laws, Great Yarmouth, linen-draper-Jan. 4, Jamieson and Sandiman, Ashton-under-Line, ironfounders-Dec. 7, T. and T. Tod, Bir- mingham, factors-Dec. 10, Gibson senior, Norwich, itiddier-Dec.15, Bayley, Stockport, cotton-spinner-Dec. 10, Robinson, Henbury, Gloucestershire, innholder-Dec. 10, Tur- ner and Hyslop, Liverpool, merchants. CERTIFICATES To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary nn or before Dee. 7. Fountrinier, Brownhills, Staffordshire, papermnerellant-Helsby, Liverpool, watch- case-manufacturer-Lee, Arundel Street, Strand, commission-agent-Andrew', Works- worth, Derbyshire, scrivener-Marshall, Lawrence Pountney Place, whiteleattraerchant -M. and M. S.Newton, Kensington,schoolmistresses-Tayler,Marylebone Lane, wine- .