The English Stock Market has continued during the past week in the same state of quiescence that we have so frequently had .occa.slon to notice, and the fluctuations have been quite unimportant,—all descriptions of Stock having only varied from to a per cent., and close this afternoon nearly at time prices of Saturday. Consols for Money have been 83? j, and close at 8:34 ; while for the Account 833 has been the lowest price; and 834, -1, is the closing price of this afternoon. New 3A per Cents. have been at 913 and 9li, and close at 941, .4:. . Exchequer Bills at one period were as low as 20s. prem. ; but have since rallied, • and close this afternoon at 25s., 27s. prem. Bank Stock has been at 187, . while the last price to-day was 180. India Stock was on Monday at 20l f, ; has since been at 202i; and has again dropped to 204. Money still continues very abundant.
In the Foreign Market, the business in all sorts of Stock has been extensive; and the settlement of the Account, which took place yesterday, was heavier than • has been known for some time. Seine of the speculators for a rise not having been able to carry over their Accounts, were compelled to sell large quantities of Stock, which depressed the prices of Spanish and Portuguese Stock and Re- gency Scrip ; but the pressure being over, those Markets have again rallied, and even improved upon their previous quotations. Dutch Stock has been at 41a and 403, and closes Ai to 4l6. Belgian Stock has been steady at 73*. Rus- sian Stock has been as low as 973 ; but the Market was rendered firm by some large purchases for money, and has since improved to 98, closing this afternoon at 974, 98i. Brazilian Bonds have been heavy during the whole week at 471-. Spanish Stock was on Monday at 16, and afterwards reached 164, since which it has been at 16i ; but a general disposition to purchase being evinced to-day, it rose soon after business to 17, and, after some slight fluctuation, closed this afternoon at 173. Portuguese Bonds have been at 48:1, and close at 49, 50. Regency Scrip has been 3i dis. in the early part of the week, and yesterday was at 4 dis. On the opening of the Market this morning, some purchases for Money were effected at 34 and 36 dis.; and the price has since been 33, and closes 3i, dis.
The news from Berlin has had an unfavourable effect on the Funds ; and soon after the opening of the market, Consols were at 833; but no further fall has taken place, and the price is now 833 4. Exchequer Bills have improved,
• having been 28s. prem. The Foreign Stocks are generally lower, but the business in them has been quite unimportant. Spanish Stock maintains itself at 173.
3 per Cent. Cons4.1., 831 Ditto for Account 83* * New 34 perCent-Ann. 91* Bank Stock 186 4 7
India Stock 202 Exchequer Bills 26 28
Belgian 5 per Cents. 724 34 Brazilian 5 per Cents. 47 Danish 3 per Cents. 671 8 Dutch 24 per Cents. 401 1 French 3 per Cents. — Greek (1825)5 p. Cts.26474
Mexican 6 per Cents. 26174 Portuguese rper Cts. 49 Do. Regency Sc.5p. Ct.3,1 Prussian (1818)5 p. Ct. — Russian0.822)5p.Ct. 97 Spanish (1821)5 p.Ct.17 *