Captain Pontius announces the engagement of Madame SennoRnEreat Drury Lane.
To what end, or for what purpose, w.e "cudgel our brains " in vain to conjecture. This lady knows little of any language but her own—of English absolutely nothing ; and what part she can sustain in an English theatre, surrounded by English singers, we have yet to learn. Madame DE MERIC, who is also engaged, speaks our language fluently, and we shall willingly pardon.a little foreign accent for the sake of her excel- lent singing. 'But,Captain POLHILL'S materials defy all power of amalgamation, and-his tactics baffle all calculation. If he have any plan or object, iomust be this—to assemble the greatest num- ber of firsterate artists, and then exhibit to 'the world the possibi- lity of rendering: all their talents utterly unavailing.