November 15, 1832- The Society commenced its meetings for the session on Thursday last.
His Royal Highness the President being absent from town, the Chair was taken by J. W. LUBBOCK, Esq. Vice-President and Treasurer. The reading of the proceedings of the last meeting, which comprised ab- stracts of fourteen :papers that were then presented and partly read, and the greater number of which will appear in the fortheotning volume of the Philo- sophical Transactions, occupied nearly the whole time of the meeting. A Mathematical paper was announced, together with a long list of presents.
Mr. Elphinston was admitted a Fellow of the Society : and the following Gentlemen were proposed as Candidates fur Election, viz.-Sir William Bur- nett, M.D. ; the Reverend Augustus Page Saunders, A.M. Head Master of the Charterhouse School ; Robert Adam Dundas, Esq. M.P. ; Thomas Botfield, of Hopton Court ; and Major F. H. Shadwell Clarke, K. H.