/Orme 'EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Atmomoom The continued improvement of the French Funds caused an upward.movemeot in our own • and the general course of the English Stock Market .has been up- wards, although some occasional downward fluctuations have occurred., The
closing quotation of Consols on Wednesday was 94 A further impohe was given to prices this morning, by the intelligence of the contemplated return of the French fleet to Toulon; and though no huge business was transacted, the price
rose to 93 , which is the closing quotation,—thus marking all adiehee of nearly 1 per cent since Saturday. The rate of money continues the same. In the Foreign Market, the business transacted has been quite unimportant. The impulse given to Mexican Bonds on Saturday was not Continuous; the price receded slightly again on Monday, and continued depressed =during the week. Towards the close of business this afternoon, prices advanced, and close the same as on Saturday-26/ #. The Northern European Bonds have been nearly neg- lected; though RUSBOLD Stock has reached 108/ thief afternoon, and Dutch Stock of both varieties may be considered as rather higher.. The .South- American Bonds generally have been without animation. The same remark may heapplied to the Peninsular Securities. Railway Shares are generally lower. Of the more important lines, North- western prices have been without any material change; Great Western have ex- perienced a decline of between 6/ and 71; Midland are only about 11. -lower; while the quotations of the smaller varieties do not range so highly ao therm of last week. The transactions in Foreign Shares have have unimportant. FrenchShares are rather firm, in consequence of the improvement of the home market. When the Boulogne and Amiens Railway was started, the Municipality of Bou- logne guaranteed an interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum upon the first 6,000 shares of the Railway,' numbered from I to 6,000. The dividend for the half-year ending 30th September was not paid in due course, and aforeciad ape- cation for payment was meetly, the Mapser BeAlegae of a Committee of the English holders of the favoured shares. The Mayor replied by „mot his "adioints," stating tbat,the,Municipality declined to pay the dividend, bibe guarantee of the taws was only sanctioned by a Royal ordonnance, instead „f• by an act of the Legislature: The question as to the validity of the guarantee balm. a subject of litigation in the French Courts, and will shortly be determined. SATILIDAT, TWELVE eectorse. The Freqch Funds were firm hi Paris yesterday, the closing quotation being the same as that of the previous day. This circumstance, in conjunction selth the declaration of the French Minister of Finance of his intention to ?wide for the service of the year without requiring a loan, has given an impulse to our own Funds. Consols opened at 934 I for Money and 934 94 for the Account, mid the market continues steady at those quotations. No change or business of moment has 'occurred in the Foreign Funds, whiola are all nominally at the quotations of yesterday. The Railway Shares are also without material variation • the following being the only bargains as yet recerded—Caledonian, 11/ ; Leeds and Thirsk, 98; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 171. SATURDAY, Two oroocz A report has been prevalent that Lord Ponaonby is about to return from Vienn and some speculative sales were effected upon the faith of this rumour. The price of Consols, consequently, fell to 93*; but the market speedily rallied, and the closing quotation is 934 1 for Account. We have to notice the unusual occurrence of bargains in our own Five per Cent Stock, which has today been done at 124. and yesterday at 1194. The business of the Foreign Market has been confined to the WT.:ming—Mexican, 261; Spanish Active, 17 A; Ditto Three per Cents. 35 i; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 54; Four per Cents, 821. The Railway Share Market is without animation, and nearly all the bargains are at quotations lower than those of yesterday—Caledenian, 111 104; Chester and Holyhead, Preference, 101 10; East Lancashire. 131; Great Northern, 64 i; Great Western. 58 64; Ditto Quarter-shares, 111; London. Brighton, and Smith Coast, 7545; London and North-western, 1134 1: Ditto Fifths. 84: Ditto, 101 Shares, M and B C., 21; Midland, 48; Ditto, 501. Shares, 81: Norfolk, 23; North Staffordshire, 8 7; South-eastern and Dover, 181; York, Newcastle, 51; Northern of France, 24 discount; Paris and Rouen, 201. and Berwick. 174J; York and North Midland, 19 184: Boulogne and
3 per cent consols
Ditto for Account
93 e I
3 per Cent Reduced 92 4 4
3; per cents
931 f Long Annuities
Bank Stock 198 9 Exchequer Rills 49 52 pm.
India Stock
Brazilian 5 per Cents 83 5 Belgian 41 per Cents 84 e Milian 6 perCents 94 6
Danish per Ceuta
98 100
25Russia,,8 60
57A321 4
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents
Ditto 4 per Ceuta 82 83
Mexican 5 per Cents 1866 264
Peruvian 6 per Cents 52 4 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 33 4 Portuguese Spot Cents 1824 827 ,4
Riall 5 per Cents 10 Spantah (Active) 5 per Cents 47 1 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 35 Venezuela 23 25