The new chess-I:nen, just issued by Messrs. Jaques of Hatton Garden, under the-auspices of Mr. Howard Staunton, the celebrated chess-player, Some forward with several recommendations in their favour. Hitherto, several of-the pieces employed have exhibited no definite character; now au attempt is made to give all of them significancy both in the details of form and the relations of size. Thus, a crown and a tiara, completely modelled, iricli;ate the King and Queen; while the clumsy piece of carving which. formerly represented the Knight is now superseded by a spirited vtese of the-heed and neck of the Greek horse in the Elgin collection. The earton-pierre chest, in which the men are deposited, and which is decorated -with utedimval arches and turrets, embossed with the insignia of the Vrate,"'dhetjusreredit to Mr. L. S. Williams, the artist; who has also, we 11614'Nvihitgife1 the vast solid' and elegant pieces.