MILITARY GAZETTE. WAll.OFFICE, Nov. 16.-2d Rest. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. C.
W. Calvert, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Key, who retiree/ Cornet J. G. Price to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Calvert. 7th Drag. Guards-Capt. C. P. B. Walker from the 334 Foot, to be Capt. vice Gore, who exchanges ; Lleut. A. M. Knight to be Capt. vice Alleyne, who retires ; Cornet T. W. Goff to be IJeut. by purchase, vice Knight. tat Drags -Cornet J. C. Davenport ,to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Heriley, who retires. 16th Light Drags.- Major-General Sir J. Thackwell, G.C.B. to be Col. vice General Sir J. O. Vendeleur, G.C.B. deceased. 24 Regt. of Foot-Lieut. 11. C. Bamford, from the 75th root, to be Lieut. vice Mercy, promoted. 17111 Foot-Lieut. C. W. Davis, from half. rty 3001 Foot, to be Lieut. vice Baxter, appointed to the 75th Foot ; Ensign C. 11. J. Ileigham to be Lieut. by purchase, Vice Davis, who retires. 22d Foot -Assist.-Surg. A. L. Adams, ld.D, from the 64th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice 3PGrath, deceased. 24th Foot-En- sign F. W. A. Parsons to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Woodingion, who retires ; Ensign P. L. Tilibrook„ from the 12th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Parsons. aad Foot-Capt. A. P. Gore, from the 7th Drag. Guards, to be Capt. vice Walker, who exchanges. 56th Foot-Staff-Stug, of the Second Class L. Barren, 3I.D, to he Sorg. vice Cowper, who resigns. 64th Foot-Asest.-Surg. E. J. Kennedy, M.D. from the Staff, to be Assist.- Stag. vice Adams, appointed to the 224 Foot. 75th Foot-Lieut. II. Baxter, from the 17th Foot, to be LIcuL vice Bamford, appointed to the 24 Foot.
3d West India Itegt.-ActIng assist-Sorg. It. T. Deakins to be Assist.-Surg. VICO Sanders, appointed to the Staff. Ceylon Rade Regt.-Secoud Lieut. It. Atherton has been permitted to resign hie corn.- mission.
Hospital Staff.-Staff Assist:Sorg. C.B. Hearn to be Staff•Surg. of the Second clam vice Barron, appointed to the 56th Foot; Asstst..Surg. H. S. Sanders, from the 3d West India Regt. to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Hearn, promoted; Acting Angst.- Sorg. E. Touch, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces. vice Kennedy, appoiuted to the 64th Foot. OFFICE or 011DNANCE, Nov. IC-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Second Capt. PP. Faddy to- be Capt. vice 1 uiford, placed on retired full-pay that ; First Lieut. E. J. Peterson to ho- Second Capt. vice Ftiddy ; Second Lieut. S. M. Citylls to be First Lieut. vice Pate.